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Naked Scandinavian

To have sex, bump uglies

Hey bro, me and the wife did the naked Scandinavian last night

by June 11, 2021

Scandinavian pop tart

When one takes a sock and repeatedly ejaculates into it over the course of atleast three months then waits another month and a half to let the ejaculate ferment in the sock and become hard. Once that process is done, the person then takes the sock and cuts it into little pastry squares then proceeds to shove it up partners ass (thus making their ass a toaster oven if you will) and then shits out the warm pastry into the other partner’s mouth

“Did you hear that Jack gave Samantha a Scandinavian pop tart the other night?”
“Yeah man my sock has another two months on it, can’t wait to give it to Jess

by Taylor Amish June 13, 2018

Scandinavian Dagger

when you are fucking a Scandinavian bitch and while fucking you cum in a line all around her throat before then actually slitting her neck. (this part is optional, a small cut with a razor blade is usually done.)

osama: i gave this bitch the Scandinavian Dagger

chad: no shot bro! was she hot

osama: i guess but i killed her so"

chad: the fuck?

by JackHorseFeather April 18, 2024