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make a solo album

Rubbing one out, pulling your meat, having a strum, taking a load off, flicking the bean, downstairs DJ, dialling the rotary phone, cooking some cucumbers etc

“After I saw your sister on pornhub, it really inspired me to make a solo album”
“All this talk of KFC is making me wanna make a solo album”

by Solo artist October 8, 2022

Yuu Album

The normal definition of an album except there is only one song in the album.

For example you upload a single song and if you want you can call it a yuu album.

by Pure Menace October 15, 2022

syre album

An album that many rappers or singers for the title like for example jaden smith he made songs in that album like b l u and e all those songs are togheter but cut since its way to long of a song

person 1: hey did you hear jaden smiths new syre album its fucking wicked

person 2: no i havent let me go check it out tonight

by syre album April 11, 2022

Producer Album

An album such as "The Life of Pi'erre 4". These albums are not made to show the producers vocal capabilities but rather their production skills. You usually listen for the beats not the vocals, although sometimes you can have both.

Yo did you listen to that album The Life of Pi'erre 4? It was hot garbage!
Naa fam, It's a producer album. You listen for the beats bro.
Ah shit your right these beats are fuckin lit!

by Billcosbyeatme April 14, 2021


Something that the band 5 seconds of summer won’t give us the release date for

Ketchup: “I wonder when 5SOS will give us the release date for their new album!”

by Ashtonslemontree February 8, 2022

Modular Mini Album

A type of Mini Album Binding System Designed and Developed by Canadian Designer Katlin Johnston aka Artistakat. The binding system is unique in that the pages are multiple layers of cardstock deep and made in units or Modules which when finished are mounted into the Binding System that features Chipboard 'Pages' or units to support the modules. With this method over a hundred photos can be mounted into a Mini Album with only 10 pages. The Modular Mini Album Binding System was first used in the PC4XT Mini Album which was Designed for Members of the FB group "Paper Craft Tools, Tips, Tutorials and Techniques" PC4XT by Artistakat - Katlin Johnston.
The Modular Mini Album Binding System is free for anyone to use for any purpose as a gift to the hundreds of thousands of people world wide that make mini albums but have either struggled with binding systems that cannot support the weight of complex pages or that do not have the inclination or the financial resources to pay for a licence to use another binding system which when completed they intend to sell.

I just completed a Modular Mini Album and it rocks!

by Artistakat February 5, 2020