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Hot Tub Game

When you sit in a hot tub with 3 other people and then each jizz and add food coloring to the water and try to guess who's is who's by slurping the specimen through a straw.

During our coffee break, we played the hot tub game.

by Marc Edel May 13, 2015

Hinckley Hot Tub

Hinckley hot tub. A standard hot tub, periodically topped up by sweat and piss generated by own-brand supermarket lager.
A favourite leisure activity some parts of Leicestershire.

I can't be bothered to get out of the hot tub for a piss.
Never mind mate, do it in the tub we're all friends! Make it a Hinckley hot tub.

by MDP SUPREMO July 19, 2022

Lakeside Hot Tub

Taking a dump in the water storage tank portion of a porcelain toilet

Victim: "When I flushed, something dirty happned"
Bystander: "it must of been a LAKSEIDE HOT TUB"

The janator of santee del taco :" dammit, dirty Chris left another Lakeside Hot Tub"

by The Santee Patriot June 11, 2022

Hot tub smorgasbord

When a woman invites a random group of men over for a hot tub party which turns into a hot tub smorgasbord of sexual acts such as obtaining clitoral stimulation from a hot tub jets, while pleasuring multiple men.

I met this random chick on a dating app who invited me to her hot tub smorgasboard. There were 4 other random guys there and she was really horny. Dude, she was a gracious host, having us all in different ways but she preferred to cum over the hot tub jets.

The pool boy better use a biohazard suit when cleaning up the hot tub smorgasbord!

by Mr. Marvalous June 24, 2019

cum in a hot tub

An alcoholic drink that consists of 2 parts vodka, 1 park white rum, and 3-5 drops of Bailey’s ® White Cream into a clear shot glass, made to look like someone blowing their load into a hot tub

Frankie: What’ll ya have t’night, Willard?
Willard: I’m feeling kinda nasty tonight, so maybe a “Cum in a Hot Tub”?
Frankie: You tellin’ me yer horny while orderin’ a drink?

by Bash Pennies March 9, 2021

Hot tubbed

Backslapping and getting absorbed into the snow. It looks like you just sat down in a hot tub and feels like you broke your ass bone

Dude 1: *sends sick clïff with a flat landing*
Dude 2: you see that?? Dude just got hot tubbed so hard. His ass is gonna hurt tomorrow.

by WillyBoof March 30, 2020

Hot Tub Hoe

A subgenre of Twitch Thot, who broadcasts her/himself in a hot tub, nearly nude in order to solicit donations from young boys or girls, because they have no other talent or anything that makes them interesting enough for people to tune into their streams. Twitch refuses to ban them for some reason, even though it clearly violates TOS, for sexual content.

Person 1: Hey have you heard about Lexi Luv?
Person 2: Isn't it that Hot Tub Hoe
Person 1: Yeah yeah, she made like 10k from her last stream.
Person 2: Bruh, how has she not gotten banned yet, she literally shows off her tits for donos.

by BlackShakespeare May 24, 2021