Source Code

Sawsk (Updated)

this is selfexplanatory

with respect to Sawsk,
- TheGreatJan

sawsk (updated) i am incredibly sorry

by thegreatjan October 10, 2021

update synapse

when people in the synapse cord want the update to be faster so they spam #memes

When synapse doesn't update you're supposed to spam update synapse.

by g h o s t l y August 28, 2019

Oxygen Updater

Oxygen Updater is a free Android app to receive OxygenOS Over The Air (OTA) updates faster. Easy, safe and supports all non-carrier OnePlus devices.

Indian: sir android 10 update when?!1
Intellectual: Just use Oxygen Updater, my man.

by SomeDumbAccount March 18, 2020

cowboy update

A) verb, to- to get one's news from doc-med sources such as Facebook, Twitter, etc...

B) noun- the actual news that one reads on soc-med

If you are a fan of a cowboy update definition b), and want to get a cowboy update definition a), please learn how to think critically.

by Sexydimma May 27, 2017

Ra1ki *updated*

Well he was a really cool guy but he quit

Hi Ra1ki *updated*

by Zjawx April 9, 2023

Steams updating

Who knows what’s actually being done, and is absolutely useless

“Bro get on we’re being raided
I can’t steams updating

by XvdgamvX December 13, 2020

Steve wilks updated

Is a former booty ass defensive coordinator for the browns and a former booty ass coach for the Arizona cardbirdie’s who got fired after one season 😂😂

Steve wilks updated (cle bruh: he needs to leave his defense is weak asf ) (Ari: wtf did we do we hired this bum ass just so we can go 3-13? Hell naw he ain’t coming back next season )

by Bleeding guns October 20, 2020