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Slang for a happy person.

She was ver when she saw it.

by Sorrysorry May 22, 2021


a person who made ku (the game) aka karen university. probably the sweetest person you'll ever meet <3

dude 1: im rlly bored
dude 2: oh me too
dude 1: oh look, ver joined
ver: hello

by eeeeeeeeee3eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr August 10, 2022


Give It up conner,
im too cool

ver, right now

by give it up conner, your borin August 12, 2021


Has Huge pp

Wow dude ur such a Vers

by bigppguy182 April 4, 2021


In ancient times, perhaps this was well known, but ver is short for verdant and like there are "mer-maids", there were "ver-maids,"(from the forests) some people refer to as "dryad's." In fact, there were also "ter-maids,"(sounds familiar now, doesn't it?) And "ber-maids"(from the snowy regions). So basically ver, ter, mer and ber were prefixes/suffixes added to other words, to indicate the climate they either originate or inhabit. As for Dryad's, that's what a wizard calls his right hand, the hand he shakes his "wand"off with, after pissing on some long grass. For a Wizard would only let a lady, touch his wand! And Wizards don't practice, "Wizar-dree" its pronounced, "Wizar-dry" and "Wizar-dry!!" Is what a wizard explains after shaking his wand off with his dryad. I know this, for I, am a wizard! And my dryad, is a noble dryad!!!

Der an ver-salam!

by The Sky King Juda'O Tianzhu January 7, 2023


A stupid idiot

She is such a ver

by Keep,d,d May 24, 2021


A stupid idiot with no life and we be single forever

Ugh look at her she is such a ver.

by Keep,d,d May 24, 2021