Source Code

Extreme Violence

A term originally from Typing of the Dead: Overkill that was said by Vtubers FuwaMoco from Hololive Productions that became popularized by their fans whenever they committed a violent act (In game, of course.)

FuwaMoco: Time to commit EXTREME VIOLENCE Intense music plays

by Un Un October 22, 2023

Silence is Violence Night

A holday that takes place on planet Earth in the country Ukraine of universe H2956. The holiday happens every year on the 29th of January solely during night hours. A typical celebration consists of staying up all fucking night and being as fucking loud as fucking possible all motherfucking night! It's a fucking glorious celebration that highlights the activist spirit of protest! It is fucking bonkers u otta check it out sometime! NIGHT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yo mofo I'm headin up to celebrate silence is violence night, u down? I mean they got bowling, fishing, white water rafting, cosmic queries! Ya know wink, tha cosmic desire! Anyways I got like a whole tank of fire works up me ass so hey if u got gas, I'll catch u at silence is violence night sis!

by Professor PMI January 30, 2023

Political Violence

How do you know it was political? How do you know it's not a MANIFESTATION OF YOUR OWN MIND?

Hym "Maybe it WASN'T political violence. Maybe it was apolitical violence that just so happened to be directed at a president. This is hilarious. It would have been more interesting (I think) if Trump had died. I think if Trump would have died and the resulting violence would have ended up getting a bunch of shit-libs slaughtered... I think then I would be happy. And now the conservatives:"

Conservatives "See!? This is what happens when they call us Nazi!"

Hym "YOU CALLED THEM EVIL! YOU CALLED THEM SATANIC! YOU ARE THE THING YOU CONDEMN! THAT is your humanity! Doomed to be the thing you condemn for all of eternity!"

A fucking retard "No-U!"

Hym "I'm not a retard with a fat cock. I can't ever be the thing I condemn. Applies to you. Doesn't apply to me. That is how this works."

Conservative "Well then it applies to them and not-"

Hym "NO! NO IT DOESN'T! WHAT IN THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? 'WELL THEN' NOTHING, YOU FUCKING RETARD! HOW DO YOU NOT SEE? OPE! HA! I GET IT! NOT SEE! That's why it's called that! Heheheh... Man... What in the fuck is- Well, you're mentally retarded but- What in the fuck is WRONG with you!?"

by Hym Iam July 16, 2024