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Morbius disease

A condition that occurs after talking about morbius too much.

Symptoms include: diabetes, coughing up blood, repeating the sentence “it’s morbin time”, and animorphing into morbius.

Dang jack has diabetes cause of his serious case of morbius disease.”

by Morbian_317 June 9, 2022

rikku disease

a dangerous disease known to spread slowly, starting from screens. once in contact with this virus online, it will slowly inhabit your mind, causing you to lose focus and energy, and eat away at your brain cells.

there is currently no known cure for this disease, however, seek immediate special care if in contact at any point in time.

“Did you hear about the ibrahims?”
“Yeah, I heard Stephen almost got an email that almost gave him the rikku disease!”
Good thing Andres called a doctor!”

by Bear_Butt87 January 7, 2021

YouTuber’s disease

(NOUN) to destroy one's reputation of a YouTuber.

Unfortunately, like most Youtubers, he caught Youtuber’s disease

by Mr. Gupta August 8, 2023