Source Code

hate koffner

a super good looking girl

woah dude look at that hate koffner

by beachchamp May 10, 2006

Stop hating on me!

This is mostly used by fan-girls, censored content creators, ect

Stop hating on me! This sentence is dumb people are gonna hate you if your bad, of course, sometimes it’s not rare to see 10-11y-olds hating on popular animators, furrys, great art creators, ect

Bad person definition

???: bro stfu cringey ass 10y-old
Bad person: Stop hating on me!

Good person definition

???: LMAO that’s dumb kiddo
Good person: Stop hating on me! Please I’m trying my best

by Stop hating on me! September 5, 2022

Hella hate

Hate from haters from the second you walk in the room until after you leave.

It's the kind of hate that turns a non-hater to a hater without realizing it.

High-up playas and kings like this hate. It means that someone is thinking about them constantly, which makes the playa/king improve himself even more.

Look at this mutha fucka here...

(Hate while in the room, walks out)

His ass better leave before I tell his girl he's slippin' and slidin'.

*Hate began just before walking in and carried on even after walking out. This is hella hate.

by Winglet81 July 16, 2018

andra hates jaja

she gets triggered by my mic and jaja?? such an smh!!

hey guys i just figured that andra hates jaja

by @baconboii November 17, 2020

and never post hate speech

and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech

and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech and never post hate speech

by ParaparaPartyCrow August 29, 2024

Haters gonna hate

normal definition: simply, haters are always going to find a way to try and hate on you, so say this

broi: bruh, really? is that the best definition you could come up with?
bruh: yes, because its so over used that its not funny any more
broi: you are the definition of haters gonna hate

by someone else thats not u March 30, 2021