Source Code

fighting hawk

When a man pulls his dick out of another man's ass, violently slams it in his partner's mouth only to have his partner bite down and get lockjaw, causing violent shrieking and fighting.

Running Bear and his partner Dishesz Clenerr did the fighting hawk last night.

by fitinglosers November 21, 2015

To be there is to fight

Is a phrase you say to a friend to show them camaraderie. It means you can’t always help someone with the task at hand but you are willing to sit with them through it and be there with them.

If a friend has to send a breakup text to a guy they went on one date with you can’t type it out for them but you can scroll through Instagram while they do it, listen to the numerous drafts, and encourage them to press send because “to be there is to fight”.

by Eunice & Bernice January 30, 2021

Fight Meh

A phrase that you shout out when somebody pisses you off, and you want to intimidate them. Warning: May actually result in an actual fisticuffs.

Helen: Your son is inferior to mine.

Joe: Fight meh Helen!
Helen: (0_0) Oh my word, he fears nothing!

by Orange Jacket February 2, 2016

wrist fight

An argument when you grab the bitches wrist when she try to walk away from you

Me and my boyfriend just got into a wrist fight..fuck that nigga

by Vgodsssss July 28, 2014

Fighting Machine

The fighting machine (also known as a "Martian Tripod") is one of the fictional machines used by the Martians in H. G. Wells' 1898 classic science fiction novel The War of the Worlds. In the novel, it is a fast-moving three-legged walker reported to be 100 feet (30 meters) tall with multiple, whip-like tentacles used for grasping, and two lethal weapons: the Heat-Ray and a gun-like tube used for discharging canisters of a poisonous chemical black smoke that kills everything. It is the primary machine the Martians use when they invade Earth, along with the handling machine, the flying machine, and the embankment machine.

"its another one of those fighting machine's!-" *gets turned into human ash"

by Hukgaz June 30, 2024

Pac-Man fight

When two women scissor

Dude, that lesbian was PAC-Man fighting her girlfriend last night

by NerdBot2021 November 4, 2021

Male Fighting

A form of gay sex when one man violently jumps on another mans back and brutally sticks there dick into there ass providing a form of pleasurement.

Josh and michael just did male fighting

by January 1, 2022