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Dinner brick

an Italian dish consisting of long flat pasta baked with meat or vegetables and a cheese sauce. Definitely not lasagna.

Let’s have dinner brick tonight!

by LoriG99 April 4, 2022

Cunt Brick

An individual who is so much of a cunt and jackass simultaneously that they send you into a gruesomely violent, homicidal rage

The guy who cut me off in traffic today was a real cunt brick

by GrungyBae November 17, 2021

Bacon Brick

A house husband. Defined by a pretty, confused, slightly dumb, anxious, but loyal man. Normally defined by his status with in a relationship. Not exclusively romantic.

Example characters: Howl (Howls Moving Castle), Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games series), William Graham (NBC's Hannibal)

"Oh my god, Howl is such a bacon brick."

"He is my bacon brick."

by mrcsgry March 29, 2023

Brick syndrome

A life threatening disease which makes the person affected lay bricks constantly and unable to shoot.

(Patrick misses a open shot)
Jhon- I think you might have brick syndrome

by Fortinite justin April 25, 2021

bricked up besties

When two good friends are hard at the same time (since they are besties) jack each other off.

Dudeeeee... You're hard too?! We're bricked up besties!

by Jory Jones VI September 18, 2022

Boomer bricked

Boomer bricked : when boomers break electronics through repeated attempts to fix it.

Mike Boomer bricked the telecom hardware by repeatedly power cycling it.

by Paceisawesome February 4, 2021

yellow brick chode

When a girl follows all her hopes and dreams her whole entire life only to find out the guy she wants to marry has a chode (normally less than 12 inches)

I was frustrated, I spent my entire life to find a guy I wanted to marry but he had a yellow brick chode

by carrie jackson March 25, 2018