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barbie crotch

When a woman's shaven pussy is built in such a way that looking at her straight-on from the front and standing, you don't see any hint of lips, slit, or clit at all, making it look like she just has no genitals, just a completely blank crotch, like a living Barbie doll. Common on curvier/chubbier women.

I'm surprised that Barbie crotch is not a more popular porn fetish.

by q359 July 24, 2023

Barbie Crotch

When the guys dick is so small it looks like he doesn't have a dick.
It looks like he would have a Barbie crotch as they are flat and have no bulge.

"Girl the guy I hooked up with had a Barbie crotch like it was so small!"

by riggamorrris July 31, 2017

Crotch Snot

The white sticky fluid produced during male ejaculation that consists of prostate fluid, seminal fluid, and sperm.

After seeing the cheerleaders practicing, Adam went home and blew a load of crotch snot over his head.

by Alexander Lord January 17, 2022

Crotch dinner

The act of putting your penis into two piece of bread and adding ketchup

This bitch was hungry i gave her a crotch dinner

by Bouillabaisse February 4, 2018

crotch knot

Referring to the male genitalia.

He punched me in my crotch knot.

by gaysensualist May 17, 2012

crotch maskin'

When someone shoves their gentiles into someone's face.
(alt. crotch masked)

Bruno crotch maskin' Eminem was the best part of the show; thought I was gonna bust a gut when one of the dudes from 'the Hangover' was crotch masked when after opening the truck.

by dmccowan June 14, 2009


An indiscriminate sexual act varying from holding hands to full intercourse.

Simon: "what happened with you and Tina last night"
Jared: "gave her a good crotching didn't I"
Simon: "niceeeeee"

by Simoncrotchedtina May 27, 2018