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Grass that will put you on your ass

A really strong stran of marijuana that will put you on your butt after 1 hit

Christian McClellan took too much off the grass that will put you on your ass.

by Cpuff the whiter June 3, 2019

you look like breasts

When a man thinks you look like breasts so he texts you that you look like breasts. (No real explanation found)

Wow Hailey, you look like breasts. (Instagram dm)

You look like breasts; a common saying. HAHZJSKSKKSKZNS

by 123345660 March 6, 2022

Do you know what?

Legend has it he still does not know what

I don't know why they wont let me change the plan. *long pause* Do you know what?

by TheBritishJack June 1, 2024