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be extra nice to your girlfriend day

be extra nice to your girlfriend on may 29th. what else can i say? she deserves the world

oh shit! it’s may 29th! i have to be extra nice to my girlfriend today.”


“it’s be extra nice to your girlfriend day.”

by CalliopeManga May 29, 2021

Nice IP

A common insult said by folks who just got beat in a video game

Person 1: Griefs cargo in GTA

Person 2: - Nice IP!

by Jack Spank9049 February 28, 2023

Nice door

A phrase often used when someone is claiming they have your dox.

Grunfield1: Loool you lost 30-0 in a sniper 1v1
Yeahs567: Nice door! Swat bout to kick it down in 30 mins
Grunfield1: Yeah aight

by ZuiyOTF47 August 1, 2022

nice beatdown retard

used when a little fucking kid misses their YBA or AUT beatdown, so you use it in a sarcastic way

YBA kid: *misses beatdown*
you: nice beatdown retard

by karazan145 December 18, 2021

Having a Nice Day?

The greatest question ever to be asked.

Person: Hey, having a nice day?
AnotherPerson: You... you must be... awesome.

by Spastic Monkey July 20, 2012

Animal like a nice day

Dream dream dream. Around you baby girl. Animal like a nice day. Hearns cinnamon aid fu*k it right you will.

Someone: look what this emo wrote
Someone too: wtf

by Skyrim550 March 26, 2022

nice finish

When you achieve something you wish to accomplish in a timely manner, and get the recongnition of your peers

Adam: Hey Dan did you get all your homework done so you can work on your basketball jumper

Dan: Yeah I did Adam I got all of the homework done I got a lot of practice in.

Adam: Nice finish Dan!

by EarlySpore November 29, 2018