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ain't no way. cannot pull bitches. no game. virgin by choice. interesting slang, used sometimes incorrectly.

kyler fumbled the bag.

by brotha on a train February 1, 2022


generally one of the sweetest, kindest people you can ever hope to meet, although he'll put up a tough front so you'd never know if you don't hold on

A: That guy? I thought he was mean?
B: No. He's Kyler. That's just a show.

by Cumberbitch42 January 26, 2012

282πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž


Kyler is the #1 most amazing guy you could ever meet. Dating him is like a dream come true and he will do as much as he can to make you laugh and smile. He makes all of sadness and depression go away instantly. If you ever need someone so sweet in your life, Kyler is the best option.

Girl1: I almost killed myself last night, but luckly Kyler was there to help.

Girl2: He is so sweet <3

by IAmDaFakQueen January 21, 2018

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The best guy in the world. Has an amazing smile. The most amazing green-brown eyes. Likes to party a little too much. Say no to drugs. Can say the sweetest things and then be a complete a**. Could use a little work on what to say to his girl. Sometimes is a little insensitive. Not afraid to live or to die. Lies but doesnt always remember what he lied about. Says he's in love with a girl.

Girl: Why do you love me?

Kyler:Every time i'm around you no matter what i smile, you give me happiness that i've never truly had before, and you are always fun to be around, there is not one thing i would change about you, I love you.

(the next day) Kyler to girl: Your not fat, okay maybe a little.

by A** hole Whore November 30, 2011

352πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


In the female form, she's bad as hell. The kind of girl other girls secretly want to be, and the kind of girl guys would die for. She's wifey type, but a low key freak. She's not a stereotypical popular , but she's better. Flawlessly beautiful, athletic, intelligent, and has the sweetest personality you'll ever encounter. If you ever get one to call yours, don't let her go.
That's a Kyler there. The real pretty smart one in the middle, making everyone laugh.

Damn, that girl over there? That’s kyler. Baddest girl ive ever seen.

by Coolkidthings28 November 28, 2017

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The boy's name Kyler \k(y)-ler\ is of Danish origin, and its meaning is "bowman, archer".

Kyler is a very powerful and masculine name expressing incredible strength and fortitude.

I know someone named Kyler and he's totally amazing and cool. Its an awesome name.

by Wildcats24 February 4, 2010

602πŸ‘ 339πŸ‘Ž


fuck boy. Hangs out with lots of girls. But when in a relationship want you to tell him everything! Never cares about what you think... but super sweet nice cute .... easy to fall in love with.. hard to Lose feelings for a kyler... likes the booty

Oh that's kyler the one with the cute face and nice hairπŸ˜‰

by Kylers exπŸ˜‰ May 19, 2017

23πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž