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keep it 1000

In 2008 people in general would say they keep it 100% meaning they were fully being real honest or truthful,when they weren't. Slate Stone, inspired by hip-hop declared to keep it 1000 to separate the real from the fake. Keep it one thousand. This term originated in West Texas on KSTQ Hot 104.3

"Nowadays everyone say they 100...but over here we keep it 1000.."

"..too many people falsifying, just keep it 1thou.."
"Stay 1000, and Loyalty & respect will come..

by Slate Stone Keep it 1thou September 17, 2013

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A phenomenon that occurs when one has an extremely bad case of diarrhea and hasn't eaten a lot of solid food any time recently, only liquid. When you go to take a dump, instead of solid fecal matter coming out slowly, there is a quick blast of liquid out of your ass, similar to the infamous blast of the once popular Super-Soaker model, the CPS-1000.

Guy 1: Yo man, you goin' to the kegger tonight?

Guy 2: Ugh dude I wish, I got horrible diarrhea, just took a friggen CPS-1000

by FromThaPistolWhippin December 5, 2009

Rule 1000

If you can't absorb the cringe you don't belong on the internet

Person 2: Rule 1000
Person 1: I guess you're right.

by Thecompetentone September 29, 2018


Played by Robert Patrick in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

A liquid metal Terminator.

" The T-1000 is coming! "

" What is it? "
" The T-1000 "

by Bill Abnovsky August 18, 2006

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1000 miles

The whole distance iโ€™d walk to fall down at your door

And I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more just to be the man who walked 1000 miles to fall down at your door

by The mr. Tophat June 29, 2018

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1000% done

The feeling you get when you are just so done with any situation.

"The boy was 1000% done with life when he was assigned two research papers that were due the next day."

by dooneydownyslippypippystahp April 17, 2014

1000 dollars

A grand, a Cleveland

1. The car I purchased cost a 1000 dollars

2. The car I purchased cost a Cleveland

by Dunking stones February 2, 2018