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12 year old

Some (and i repeat, SOME) are people who repeatedly say they will fuck your mom on Xbox voice chats, but others are actually pretty decent people. They sometimes act like a teenager, since they’re a year away from 13, which either means being mature and responsible, or being immature and insulting everybody they see in online chat rooms.

This person who keeps annoying me acts like a 12 year old, but at the same time I have some pretty decent 12 year old friends.

by just a fellow girl gamer January 11, 2020

49πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

12 year old

The main point of insult on the Internet. Due to the stereotypical immaturity of a 12-year-old, most trolls and idiots on the internet are commonly attacked and named 12 year olds. Most people judge someone's 12-ness on the amount of 'ZOMG's in a sentence, their amusement at an overused meme or a bad word. They are also supposedly supposed to enjoy joining in with the 'grown-up' stuff such as rickrolling, chatroulette, omegle, and vandalising wikipedia, as well as more serious things such as boasting their feigned use of cannabis or 'weed' as most call it. Fortunately, this stereotype is not always correct, as some 12-year-olds are actually relatively intelligent. But that's another story...specifically for the nerd, boff, boffin, dork and geek definitions.

Uninformed individual: Freakin' 12 year olds.

by I Define The Internet June 9, 2010

670πŸ‘ 248πŸ‘Ž

12 year old

A 12 year old is simply a person who is 12 years of age. The stereotypical 12 year old is an immature kid who acts like they are older than they are. While this applies to some kids it DEFINITELY does not apply to all. I know 12 year olds who are kind and caring and smart and funny and all things good. But I also know kids who swear 1000000 times in each sentence and use β€œgay” as an insult which is pretty rude. But most kids do not fit into these categories and are in between. These kids are more common than the perfect or horrible kids that people say all 12 year olds are. 12 year olds are just people in an awkward stage of their life. No need to be rude or place stereotypes. 😊

A possible conversation (I have witnessed)
What some 12 year olds say:

Person 1: yo dude are you 12? I bet you are just some idiot. Or are you one of those sick-up nerds? Either way you suck
Person 2: Yes I am 12. The fact you think I am an idiot makes you gay.
Person 2: hey I am 12 and I am just myself. No need to be rude about it.

by Black_Rose13 July 10, 2021

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

12 year old

A twelve year old is a child, as of being under 13.

A 12 year old child gave a heart-breaking speech at a local bus stop.

by Addicat October 16, 2018

21πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

12 year old

A very rude thing to call someone especially towards tweens and teens, many people make fun of kids this age because of puberty and they act like their all cool but in reality you have been 12 before your just making fun of your past self πŸ˜‰. Being 12 is the worst time of your life unless your like 3783 years old. It really really sucks β˜ΉοΈπŸ˜žπŸ˜”. So stop bullying people and be more supportive. They never chose to be this age. πŸ˜–πŸ˜ž

You still play Roblox! You must be like 12?! 12 is such a stupid age you guys act so cool and have hormones going crazy. A 12 year old is so gay

by DVDS Β© November 9, 2019

26πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

12 year old

the SECOND to last year of being a REAL Child. Children range from 6-13.
A Child who is 12.

a 12 year old is a child {child}

by Children & teen worker January 30, 2019

14πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

12 year old

a term for the people ruining this website, the one you are currently on.

showing immaturity and obvious ignorance, just like your average 12 year old child.

the type of person who would go to a "spencer's" gift store, look at the personal massagers/vibrators and "love toys", giggle, then run away.

for more information see ud

customer: oh my god did you see the dildos over there? hehe hehe

annoyed employee: damn 12 year old

by my no dues p December 11, 2008

264πŸ‘ 343πŸ‘Ž