Source Code



What all of our 401(k) retirement plans became after the collapse of the global finance industry.

Shaniqua, why on earth have you closed your 401(k)? Don't you want to retire someday?

Bitch, listen up. When those motha fuckas on wall street fucked all this shit up, my 401(k) suddenly became a 401(jk). So instead of getting my vaseline and straight razors and shanking them like Tyrone wanted me to, Im just taking all of my lettuce and hiding it in my mattress like the G-Unit did back in during the Great Depression. MMMMMM-KAAAAAY?

Well Shaniqua, I think that may have been a very wise move on your part when one considers the volatility of the financial markets and any formal investment. Yes, I think I will also close my 401(jk) and look for alternative savings opportunities outside the sphere of the banking and financial industry.

by disillusionedinvestor March 2, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Burking on the 401

The finely crafted art of driving irritatingly slow in the passing lane of the 401, and failing to yield to upcoming traffic. Burking on the 401 usually consists of driving at a pace of 115 km and failing to yield to upcoming police vehicles, and is typically preformed by Rock Radio Show Hosts.

"Stop Burking on the 401, I'm late for work"

F- "Man I just got a ticket"

M- "For what?"

F- "Burking on the 401"

by pitty42 January 10, 2012

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Mexican American's retirement plan. Typically non existent. A formal retirement plan is not necessary when you can just live with one of your 15 children once too old to support yourself.

HR: "Would you like to put any of your paycheck towards our 401-k?"
Dominic: "'401-k'? Nah puto. I'm already fully vested in my own '401-Que?'"

by David From Austin September 13, 2007

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Smart towel created to destroy towelie, or RG-400

"Don't forget to bring a towel" said GS-401

by HELENisthe[curseword] June 5, 2010

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Highway 401

A very long stretch of parking lot in southern Ontario. Occasionally used as a highway.

"Man, I hate driving on the Highway 401 every morning."

by Paperpaper22 June 28, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Formula 401

American for Sperm. A quote made be Stephen T. Colbert on May 11, 2010 at around 11:45 p.m. This was made on the account that Australians are trying to import American sperm because they are running out due to newly enacted laws.

Stephen T. Colbert's Formula 401: American for Sperm.

by GetUDrunkOffMyLadyHumps May 12, 2010

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401 finger

middle finger salute, one finger salute, Trudeau salute
The middle finger, often displayed alone as a gesture to indicate anger or contempt. Named after the Ontario Highway 401 on which it is regularly used.

1. That idiot driver cut me off, so I gave him my 401 finger.

2. When landmarking for CPR, find the xiphoid process and mark it with your 401 finger.

by seren November 3, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž