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throwing up 5’s

If you throw up 5’s you get no pussy.

He throwing up 5’s! You know he gets no pussy.

by 4 popper4️⃣ June 6, 2022

2👍 7👎

5 0's

another term for the fuckers called... COPS

"dude, we better fucking run and hide our shit, the 5 0's are coming..."

by crestfallen June 8, 2004

28👍 23👎

Your 4's and 5's are my 6's and 7's

A girl you think is in the 4-5 level of hotness is actually a 6-7 to someone else.

"That girl isn't hot."

"Well, your 4's and 5's are my 6's and 7's.

by Extra Mayo March 28, 2015

283👍 15👎


5's is a very friendly game played by many, in the game os 5's you have 5 minutes after calling it to do whatever, nobody shall taketh thy seat. There is 1 more thing tho for those who want the seat. If nobody hears you call 5's you lose your seat.

*gets up out of seat* 5's mothaf**ka!!

*gets up out of seat*

*2 minutes later* *friend takes seat*

Yo man i called 5's *everyone* no you didnt bro. We didnt hear you.

by JewdishPump99 November 21, 2019