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A word normally related to human naming gives power over those of law thus over-riding and creating laws within its society. Having a child named 'Gordon" automatically gives authority to the named.

I shall resort to the Gordon to pass this law
Gordon is the law maker here!!

by lawmaker123 March 26, 2012

117πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


1. (v) When someone comes into your place of work or study and distracts you or otherwise wastes your time, preventing you from accomplishing things or doing work

2.) (v) When someone is walking with you and gradually veers towards the edge of the path despite being the party furthest from the edge, thereby leading you to walk off the path and into dirt, a street or a wall.

Dude, will you stop gordoning me? I'm trying to study for my Linear Algebra exam.

He wouldn't stop gordoning me and I almost walked into traffic.

by Quixote_ March 4, 2016

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A guy with a large dick.

Did you see the bulge in his pants?! He's such a Gordon.

by Carlyiswanderlust June 28, 2016

75πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


The best thing that has ever happened to me, my favorite person in the world, and the one to receive all my love forever. I miss you so much and i love you <3

A: Gordon Ng, Ive waited 17 years for you, where were you all this time?? >:(

G: Sorry Angela~ you are so good at hiding, it took me a while to find you ><

by Chupachup December 24, 2012

129πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


The verb β€œto gordon” entails an act which involves the utilisation of Gordonjectives to describe the behaviours in which the recipient of the Gordon should execute

β€œClarice got so Gordoned last Saturday, was so funny to watch.”

by Tayfyall March 17, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a traditional scottish name!! enough said there its scottish!! greatness is automaticaly assumed!! it is celtic for great (gor) hill (don or dun)!!

"aww man look its gordon" nothing else needs said!!

by tru-scot January 9, 2007

556πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž


A fun loving, outgoing person.

Likes to hang around with girls and likes playing sports with the guys. -- Ladies Man .

Paul: yo lets go shoot some hoops after school
Gordon: nahh gonnaa be with the ladies at the park.

Paul: aww. you trippin'
Gordon: jealous much ? :D

by gerdin May 22, 2010

219πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž