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A cute lizard with a chonk tail and so very handsome he charm all the ladies.

Sai: I have a cute little wallaby

Rio: aww man I’m jelly, I wish I had a wallaby

by ✧ Garlic bread gay ✧ March 31, 2022


1. a penis ( slang )

"watch out for his wallaby", "quit pointin your wallaby at me!", "shiet you dont know about his wallaby"!

by elizabeth October 15, 2004

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hot wallaby

Ejaculating inside of a fat woman's stomach folds

Patricia: Hey did you get lucky last night?

Cody: Hell yeah! I gave Claire a hot wallaby!!

Patricia: Dude! That's legendary!

by AceUno February 25, 2019

The Great Wallaby

All of the deserts in the USA combined. (Named The Great Wallaby because the mountains form a shape that looks like a Wallaby or a Rabbit from space.)

The Grand Canyon is in The Great Wallaby.

by CcDragz December 1, 2022

Frame the wallaby

1. When your mates break your tent and blame it on a wallaby

2. When two mates nick off for a fuck

Where’s Will and Richard? They’ve bloody gone off to frame the wallaby

by Hambez September 26, 2018

wallaby king

aka also known as the ghost face killa rocking wearing wallabys

ghost is known as the wallaby king on his records

by Anonymous July 15, 2003

6👍 2👎

dropped a wallaby

When someone has farted such disgustingly bad gas that they must have shat themselves also... but somehow didn't

OMG this rooms smells as if someone dropped a wallaby

by fukatoehair May 24, 2009