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Aer Lingus

The act of going down on a girl while slam-dunking a basketball.

I gave this girl mad Aer Lingus last night

by Guyswithhats October 28, 2017

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Aer Lingus

1. Irish airline
2. to give a blow job and cunnilingus at the same time

1. "the british airways flight from nairobi arrives at 15.30 hours."
"the american airlines flight from new york arrives at 16.00 hours."
"the aer lingus flight from dublin arrives when the big hand is on the twelve and the little hand is on the five."
2. colin was enjoying the threesome with his wife and steven when suddenly he attempted aer lingus and dislocated every joint in his upper torso.

by theWestHamfan December 8, 2003

54πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Aer Lingus

Irish Airline. Also slang for cunnilingus- the art of oral stimululation on female genitals.

Trevor gave amazing "Aer Lingus"

by Jasvk May 5, 2003

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


to move in a sexual motion while suspended in mid-air.

Usually preformed by straddling your dance partner, legs locked in an intimate embrace and thrusting ones pelvis in motion to the beat of the music.

noun, verb,adjective
Aer-Banging, Aer-banger, Aer-Banged, Aer-Bangette

noun- the well oiled and muscular go go dancer at 80's club pyramid has been known to "Aer-Bang" older slightly unattractive women onstage.
verb- omg it was so romantic, we went to red lobster and then spent the whole night "Aer-Banging"

Pastence- He sat in his highbacked italian leather rocking chair and fondly reminisced of his younger years and all the supple young european women he Aer-Banged while on his tour of duty.

title- Thou shalt be known as Aer-Banger 4000 from hence forth.

title2- WTF, who does she think she is? his Aer-Bangette?

by Simonara January 22, 2009


Ant Cats word was made forgot year to ??? Ant Cats made it up when he was very young to now.

Ant Cats

by Bill Jiwjwuw March 24, 2019


New intnl standard for personal digital space.

Gimme some aer, Facebook! I totally need some aer to finish my homework...

by Sweetie1020 October 10, 2017


- Air or vapor
- Anaximenes defined it as the basic substance out of which all other things arise.

- β€œEW! who farted in the car!!?”
- β€œIt smells so bad! Open the windows we need aer in here!!”

by jbgyfiurwhjkbdsc May 2, 2023