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will abbot

The biggest nonce on the planet and likes to touch girls as if their his Posesion

Girl 1 it’s will abbot!!!!

by Naitsabes69 December 20, 2019

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To, despite all the evidence on the contrary telling you to do the the opposite, (including hard scientific evidence and basically being a decent normal human being), you embark on a set of actions that totally Cluster F**k Things up.
Verb: Abottion.

Since coming into power as Prime Minister of Australia, Tony has really Abbotted that one up.

by OzzyAye February 24, 2014

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Newton Abbot

A tiny little town in south devon where everyone knows and has probably slept with everyone by the age of 15 which is made up of...
2. Charity shops
3. Old people
4. Chavs
5. Skaters
6. Pubs
and..... that's about it

Lets go to Newton Abbot today......

What will we do?
Lets go to Asda?

by S.17 June 9, 2011

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Abbots Pool

A beauty spot in Abbots Leigh, just outside of Bristol. Also a smelly vagina.

Hugo - β€œHow did it go last night with that bird you met?”
Crispin- β€œOh my dear old boy let me tell you, it was awful, when I went down on her she smelled just like Abbots Pool on a hot day!”

by Cronje April 12, 2022

Fat Abbot

"Educational" TV show from South Park.

Scene 1.
FAT ABBOT: "Hey, hey, hey, what's goin' on, Rudy?"
RUDY: "Man, Fat Abbot, you need to lose weight."
FAT ABBOT: "I lose weight when I feel like it, bitch! Shut your bitch ass mouth, ho!"
RUDY: "Bitch, I'll kick your ass!"
FAT ABBOT: "You think you so slick you punkass, blasphemous, dope fiend bitch! I had my jimmy whacked seven times last week! I bust a cap in your n*gga ass, shithead!"

Scene 2.
FAT ABBOT: "Hey, hey, hey, what's goin' down, y'all?"
RUDY: "Man, Fat Abbot, what you doin' on this side of the 'hood?"
FAT ABBOT: "You know somethin' Rudy? You're like school in the summertime."
RUDY: "School in the summertime?"
FAT ABBOT: "Yeah, bitch, school in summertime! Open your fucking ears motherfucking whore I'll pop your bitch ass!"
MUSHMOUTH: "I'll-ba pop-ba your-ba bitch-a ass-a too-ba, bitch-a."

Scene 3.
FAT ABBOT: "Hey, hey, hey! Hey, Yolanda, why your eye all black and blue and shit?"
YOLANDA: "Man, Fat Abbot, my stepdad popped me in my eye."
FAT ABBOT: "Stepdad?! You gotta op his ass!"
YOLANDA: "Really?"
FAT ABBOT: "Yeah, bitch! Snatch his ass in a bear trap! Leave that fucker swinging from a tree so high, nobody finds him for days! Glack, glack, you know what I'm sayin'? Dumbass n*gga whore shit damn!"
YOLANDA: "You're right, Fat Abbot, thanks!"
FAT ABBOT: "No problem, ho. Maybe later you can suck my dick, bitch ho shit!"
BILL COSBY: "Well, Fat Abbot and the gang sure did learn something today. If you got a stepdad ridin' your ass, just snatch his ass in a bear trap! CRACK! No more stepdad. See you next time eatin' the pudding."

by anonymous November 11, 2006

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Russ Abbot

Welsh rhyming term used for saying "What's that butt?"

Meaning: "what is that mate?" , "What did you just say old bean?" , "pardon me?"

Two blokes chatting in a pub one turns to the other and mumbles something, the other does not hear him clearly, he's turns to his mate and says "Russ Abbot?"

by mrjonescjthedj October 18, 2007

Abbots Chain

The practice of a group of 3 or more men lined up behind one another, where each man is being buggered from behind whilst simultaneously buggering the man in front. The phrase is thought to have come in to usage when such homosexual practices were widespread in monasteries in the early Tudor period. The practice was rumoured to be part of a sordid initiation ceremony where novice monks would take the front of the Abbots Chain and be forced to felate the Abbot as he stood on a ceremonial footstool. Long held to be one of the minor reasons Henry VIII began to sack many monasteries during his reign, after he was not invited to a mass Abbots Chain in Westmister Abbey organised by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The practice is quite common in certain specialist clubs in London, particularly in the Muswell Hill area.

If you had Graham Norton being buggered by Dale Winton who in turn was being entered by George Michael, whose anus was being pentrated by Michael Barrymore, who himself was having his bottom pounded by Rupert Everett, you would be witnessing what is known as an Abbots Chain.

by Hev September 27, 2006

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