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Soccer Accent

The tendency to speak with an accent while commenting or cheering during a soccer game. This accent usually resembles a British one, but it is usually not intentional.

Joe: (in soccer accent) What a goal!

Tim: Why are you talking with a British accent?
Joe: Sorry, that was my soccer accent. I was carried away with the game.

by Mira!!! June 12, 2010

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southern accent

The manner of speech from someone from the American South. The intonation, word connection, and pronunciation are combined in a distinctive way.

"I just melt with joy when I hear her southern accent. I'll do anything she says."

by yes juanito yes August 9, 2014

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Valorant accent

A tone of voice showing frustration or impatience. Elongating words words at the end of a sentence.

His valorant accent is annoying everyone and demonstrates his lack of patience.

by Stroom September 6, 2022

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Russian Accent

If you hev a rushain accent, zen you would be tocking like zis

Ze rushain accent is spockon like so.
-person with Russian Accent

by discat#1 January 1, 2020

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Fortnite Accent

another word for a young british child's accent

person 1:"Hey do you know about Mischivator on tiktok?"
person 2:"Oh, that Fortnite accent kid?"

by DietCokeCondom6969696Fan December 18, 2022

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nipple accent

This is a technique to increase one's upper body allure by using an applique inserted over the nipples to make them appear to be more erect or prominent than they really are.

Since tonight we're going clubbing, I'll wear that baby tee and nipple accents.

by Françoise November 12, 2007

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accent ninja

Someone who usually doesn't have an accent, but every now and then, an obnoxious one sneaks its way into conversation.

Yo, that dude just accent ninja'd me!

by RobinSparkles1983 August 16, 2010