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beating the gay allegations

Used primarily on twitter to describe when someone does something that hints that they may be homosexual or commits a homosexual act. The response would usually be them getting called gay, so they would not be beating the gay allegations.

Jeonghan said that the members of Seventeen are very good looking”
“He’s never beating the gay allegations”

by eataeil July 14, 2021

70👍 2👎

False rape allegation

An allegation usually against a man but also women for rape, to ruin the persons life that angered or made someone jealous because of success or actions

Person 1 “Did you hear that Dave was sentenced for a false rape allegation
Person 2 “ really, poor man hope he gets the justice he deserves

by Justice for the trinity December 29, 2021

trumped up allegations

making false allegations thats misleading to the general public to push forward a political and socio economic agenda thats allign with the far left 😂😂

the democratic party blames donald trump for mass shootings these allegations are trumped up allegations

by dwongsang August 6, 2019

3👍 1👎

Alleged Homosexual Life Partner

May be shortened to AHLP. An AHLP is an individual under the accusation, assumption or suspicion of being another individual's same-gendered monogamous life mate.

May be pronounced A-H-L-P or ahlp.

Man 1:"Who's that guy hanging all over Chad?"
Man 2: "You mean the one in the tight pants and the argyle sweater?"
Man 2: "Oh, that's Trent, Chad's Alleged Homosexual Life Partner"
Man 1: "Oh! I didn't know they were dating! How tricky! I'd like to make him my AHLP..."

by Your Friendly Neighborhood Dyke April 29, 2008

5👍 3👎


Someone who constantly is making allegations, and is usually wrong.

Julie is always accusing her friends of trying to steal her boyfriend. She's such an allegator!

by rockstardave January 31, 2019


A politician who makes unsubstantiated allegations against the opposition. Like an alligator, stays on the surface of the issue and snaps at easy targets. A little resistance causes him/her to stay under the water waiting for the next opportunity.

Frankly, we are tired of Kejriwal's allegator tactics. This time its the EVMs that are mysteriously hacked.

by pradx42 March 15, 2017

ozempic allegations

when you are looking oh so skinny and people accuse you of being on ozempic

Jane: Gia you look so skinny
Gia: omg i know im going to get ozempic allegations

by lalaozempic August 20, 2024