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bad altitude

Similar to a "bad attitude", but more specifically refers to those who think they are far above others in a social group or situation. Can be compared to the older definition of having one's "nose in the air."

Using the term has the added benefit of often causing others hearing it to attempt to correct the user; "Don't you mean 'bad attitude?'" "No, 'bad altitude' is bad attitude, squared."

"Did you see the way Jim was acting during that meeting? Like everyone else there was beneath him. Jim has a really bad altitude."

by Chuckl88 August 22, 2012

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Altitude Bogeys

Bogeys that accumulate in altitude areas only

These altitude bogey appear from nowhere. Bogeys found in altitude. When you at a great altitude and the altitude bogeys appear

by Oggy1233 January 14, 2020

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losing altitude

when you realize that your high is wearing off and need to smoke more weed

Jim:dude i'm losing altitude hand me tht bong

Dude:don't worry i am too let's smoke enuff to keep us flying for awhile

by chodey 2 December 25, 2009

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altitude abuse

A term used by sky divers and base jumpers alike to refer to wasted altitude that could have been used as free fall time but was negated due to a lack of testicular fortitude, resulting in an early parachute pull.

It was Derrick's first jump so he freaked and he threw his chute only 5 seconds in. Total altitude abuse.

by Pete Samp December 2, 2009

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Penis Altitude

That tingling feeling you get in your dick when you go on a roller coaster, drop tower, or driving fast on slight slopes

2 guys on roller coaster

โ€œGuy 1: Oh shit I got penis altitudeโ€
โ€œGuy 2: Same bro!โ€

by Denzel Curry July 24, 2022

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low altitude bombing

code for taking a crap

Dam guys I need to do some low altitude bombing is the bathroom clean cuz it wont be.

by Bob Oso February 12, 2006

high-altitude fuck

1. An instance of sexual intercourse performed in a mountainous region that is usually accompanied by an intense over-bearing shame inflicted on the participants by the conservative views of the society in which they live. It is also usually directly preceded by stream fishing.

You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you... I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year!

by marcasmedia March 29, 2009

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