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A crazy, hilarious, fun-loving, loveable girl who can be crazy, but serious when need be. She cares for everyone and tries her hardest to help any one in a rough situation or time. She follows God to the best of her abilities, an incredibly fascinating singer, a wonderful writer, and is the best friend any one could ever ask for. Has amazingly sparkly eyes, gorgeous hair (That I'm always jealous of -_-), and is beautiful inside and out. She brightens up everybody's day and her laughter can be heard from across the room, but you can't help but laugh yourself at how cute her laugh is...and it's contagious. She questions the world and thinks deep thoughts, making you wonder about the world also. She is very cautious about things and will look to her closest friends for help. She is also an amazing photographer and comes up with some of the greatest ideas ever!! It's always a blast to be with Amanda and some of the funnest times you have had is with an Amanda. She is always asking how you are doing and is never selfish. She just could be one of the best people you could know! :)

-Love ya girlie!! :) Laurel

You're the bestest friend ever, Amanda!

I love you!! :)

by LaureltheButterfly April 14, 2013

101๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most amazing name for the most amazing and perfect girl on the planet. Perfect in every way. She will impress every guy any where she goes. With a perfect body and sparkling eyes she is hard to miss. Anyone to meet an Amanda should consider themselves one of the luckiest people ever. With out Amanda's, this world would be nothing. An Amanda will brighten peoples lives and make everyday feel so surreal. When with an Amanda you may lose all sense of reality and will be completely swept away. You get really attached and never want to let her go. Everyday with an Amanda, is an amazing one. Never, ever, let one go.

"Oh look at that perfect girl over there"
"Oh dayum, she must be an Amanda"

"I wish I could be like an Amanda"

by Go4thego September 1, 2012

130๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


The woman I have always wanted and needed in my life. I have said it many times before and I'm going to say it again and forever; You have made me the luckiest man in the world. You without even trying, are making me a better man. You are making my world spin, you make butteflies in my tummy, which has never happened before you. You make my heart warm, when it has always been cold. Because of you, the world is such a beautiful place, that i want to see it all with you by my side. I'm actually starting to tear up as I type this because I never thought anyone as perfect, as amazing, as stunning. as adorible, as sweet, as wonderful as you existed, let alone would be in love with me. I don't think you will ever know how much you truly mean to me, but I will do my best to show you.

I want to have babies with you. I want to sing you songs. I want to watch scary movies and girly movies while I hold you in my arms. I want every night, to fall asleep with you in my arms, or your head on my chest, feeling you breathing, you feeling and hearing my heartbeat speed up everytime I look at you. I want to chase you around the house wearing a snuggie pretending I'm a ghost. I want to be with you forever, even when I'm old and grey. I want to buy you flowers when you least expect it. I NEED you for the rest of my life.

So, Panda. I love you with all my heart, and I will forever. You. Are. My. Everything.

Until the end- Casey. <3

tooshie butt cookie monster Panda Mandy Taco Salad Everything Amanda

by Casey Freakinglovesdubstep May 31, 2012

173๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Amanda is the best girl you can ever love. If she loves you, you are the luckiest person alive and she will never stop loving you. Amanda is very gorgeous and an amazing singer. She is an amazing girl all around and absolutely perfect. Don't do anything to make her dislike you because you will regret not being able to befriend the wonderful girl.

Wow, look at that beautiful girl. I bet even she envies the beauty of Amanda.

by Metal-Mike September 6, 2011

159๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


(name) A girl who is beautiful in every single way, she has nice eyes, a kind heart, and a clean soul. Studies show that 90% of girls name Amanda are literally related to God.

If you don't have an Amanda, then you ought to get one, and put it on your highest shelf.

by lolzhimers March 13, 2012

890๐Ÿ‘ 241๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amandas are perfect. They are really funny and pretty, and INCREDIBLY smart. They know a lot of things and have really good grades. Amandas are or will be successful, no matter what. They like to organize everything and are really perfectionist. They would be an amazing president or an awesome mother. They are the sweetest people in the world and you just can't help yourself: you love them. They would never be mean to anybody, and always be nice. They try to love everybody, even the people who hurt them. They love to say things like "there is always sunshine around the corner" because they will never be depressed and are optimistic. They are perfect friends, who will understand your pain and will cheer you up or will laugh and hang out with you for hours. They also are really funny and will make you laugh all the time. They are athletic. If they practice a sport, they are good at it and will always win their championship. You always feel like your Amanda is your little angel, who guard you with love.

When I feel depressed and I can't stop crying, I call Amanda.

Life is unfair... Wait, no, there still are Amandas on Earth.


Amanda, what does "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" mean?

I know two Amandas: they're awesome!

by Ltor August 31, 2012

82๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Name meaning 'worthy of love' in latin. She is gorgeous, has a pretty good body, a nice chest, and a nice butt. She is always the life of party, everywhere she goes. She is an awesome girlfriend and deserves to be treated like a princess. You could get lost in her eyes. She tries her best to make the best of everything, even when she is miserable.
She is an awesome kisser, and she knows it.
She does anything for her friends. Her best friend is a guy and his name starts with a C and will do anything for him, even if it breaks her heart.

Friend: Can you do something for me?
Amanda: Of course! Anything!

by danny651 July 2, 2012

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