Source Code


21st March to 20th April
Symbol: The Ram
Ruling Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Basic Trait: I Am

The moment you come across an Aries, the first thing that comes to your mind is his/her friendly nature.

People having an Aries profile cannot tolerate injustice, always fight against it and will defend the weak. 

The innocence of Aries people is enough to cover their, sometimes, aggressive behavior. This naiveté brings fearlessness, while at the same time making them highly vulnerable. They trust people easily, get hurt in the process, forgive and forget, and then, trust again. 

An Aries person is beyond shrewdness, fallacy and lies.

Aries are pretty impatient, but liberal with money and material things.

Aries may get extremely angry in a minute, but the anger seldom lasts for a long time. Aries people never nurse a grudge and completely forgive and forget. 

They will never let you know that they are hurt.

For Aries, people are either black or white, without any shades of grey

Aries usually stick to their opinion and won't listen to anything they do not believe. They have a contemplative side to their personality. The simplicity is blended with the blind passion of a born crusader. Aries is mentally strong and always one of the pioneers.

If an Aries girl gets hurt she'll become as cold as the ice in your fridge.

An Aries man likes his freedom and doesn't like to be tied down, but he's as loyal as they come.

by Yourname1285 July 14, 2011

2081👍 328👎


Ari is a very unisex name and both girls and boys can have it. Ari is a very funny and good looking person and can be very introverted and messy. Even tho Ari can be lazy he can be very productive and useful when he wants to be.

Ari is such a cool and amazing person

by Okcoolradio October 16, 2019

342👍 58👎

Ari, Ari

What said when sucking the extremely large penis of the Ari writing this

Sexy Lady: Oh Ari Ari i love your huge penis, (said half muffled with her mouth sucking off Ari)

by Ari December 15, 2003

67👍 111👎


Ariely is the most loyal person you will ever meet... she will always be there for you.. she so beautiful and she can rock being girly and a tomboy when she has to be. She is SEXY asf and she will never realize it until she finds the perfect girl or boy...

Wow she is so hot she must be a Ariely

by TRUTHALWAYS April 10, 2015

67👍 10👎


A nice person with a great personality everyone wants to be friends with her, all the boys want her. Not that confident and she thinks that she has no friends but she does.

She plays spirts and is athletic and fit, loves reading but only the bast books.

Ari does well in school and is really smart but doesn’t show off her intelligence. SHE IS THE LEAST COCKY PERSON YOU WILL MEET!!!

Ari has a great sense of humor and is just a happy person in gernaral!

Ari is nice

by mrsparkle3 November 24, 2018

102👍 17👎


Ary is a girl who is funny as hell that is a wonderful friend who is cute as fuck with adorable dimples an adorable voice and laugh who is hella sweet great hair and who can be sassier then ever definetly one to be around 23/7 because snack and bathroom breaks.

"HAHA man she is so funny"

"oh you must be talkin about Ary"

"man she's so cute her dimples that smile her hair is amazing"

"oh you mean Ary? sounds like her"

by yaboiied February 1, 2014

99👍 17👎


Aris is a very rare name. People with the name "Aris" are most often female, that is why meeting a male named "Aris" is quite a spectacle. You should never let go of a person named "Aris". Keep them close to you and never let them go. They are the most understanding people in the world. They have kind hearts and often put others before themselves. They are very generous and forgiving. They are intelligent, cunning, hot, handsome/beautiful, sexy, cool, good dressers, give good hugs, and good with words. They are often serious and give off the first impression of being rather boring, but they are the most interesting once you get to know them. They know how to make you laugh even when you are sad and are the most caring individuals. They are also master at easing situational tension by humiliating themselves to make everyone happy. They are good at analyzing situations and thinking on their feet. They are the best listeners and advice givers. Good at sports, but the best in bed. They also have very kind eyes and a gentle touch that gets anyone to feel loved. They are most often very slender and petite, and look rather weak.

Genie: You have one more wish

Dude: Okay, that's an easy one. I wish I were an Aris.

Genie: Well, Too Bad!! I'm a genie, not a miracle worker. You're not that special.

by pizzaman52 December 17, 2009

1094👍 257👎