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Atoner Boner

Erection that occurs in synagogue during the high holidays, due to the fact that the services last 9 hours and that Jewish chicksare indeed hot. The best part about this boner is that you can atone for it as you get it.

During Kol Nidre I saw this girl Sarah from elementary school who I wanted to bone even when I was 8. I got a huge atoner boner.

by LCow October 6, 2008

15👍 5👎

Atonement Academy


Person 1: hey what middle school did you go to?
Person 2: Atonement Academy
Person 1: what the fuck is that

by WBB c April 11, 2019

Sober Atonement

The next day after a night of binging and after eventually regaining the agonising sensation of sobriety: the first coherent sentence from their mouths, "I'm never drinking again"
... never once has that vow held it's integrity, consequently forming a vicious cycle of binge drinking and denial for the rest of their hypocritical lives.

Bob: Alright Earl? How's the hangover?

Earl: Aw horrible -- I'm never drinking again.

Bob: ... so I'll see you at the pub tonight? Carl's giving us a lock-in.

Earl: YEAH!

Bob: You really need to stop with the Sober Atonement mate, makes you seem like a pathetic wanker... what would Jesus say?

by ganeshaonyaba September 21, 2009


The fattest homeboy you'll ever meet

Yo you know that guy aton he's such and aton

by Gyrpä March 19, 2018