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Down Atrocious

Down bad, taken to the furthest logical extent.

Damn. Owen is down atrocious right now. It's so bad he even emailed "bruh" to his band teacher.

by PROIIQUAGMIRE December 19, 2020

79👍 2👎

down atrocious

Down bad, but in a disgusting way.

Bob: Dude, I just sent this girl on her OF 100 dollars for some feet pics.
Jim: Bro, that’s terrible, you are really down atrocious.

by Glehane November 10, 2020

17👍 5👎

out atrocious

Like out bad except 100 times worse. Something truly horrible has happened or somebody has truly irreversibly gone out bad.

Brad: “oh no my teacher got corona virus and died right in front of us and now the whole class has it”
Audrey: “yo fr? That absolutely horrible.Out atrocious...”

by YaGurlGA March 10, 2020

Down atrociously

worse than down bad…even worse than down terrible. To the point you confuse your dog with your fictional crush that will never come to life 😕

They are down atrociously bad..

by FarAHHHG August 17, 2021

7👍 1👎

Down Atrocious

Worse than ‘Down Bad’, worse than ‘Down Horrendous’, when you are Down Atrocious you’ve reached a point of downright simpery where it’s inescapable, and everybody can tell.

“Hey, does anyone want snacks for the party?”

“I’ve got one snack I’m super interested in”
*Shows picture of guy*

“Girl, you are down bad.”

Down bad? Nah, homegirl is down atrocious.”

by CryptoTest June 15, 2023

8👍 1👎

awfully atrocious rapscallion

When you see someone behave rather cheekily they may be an awfully atrocious rapscallion.

1. Oh my! I had one to many biscuits today and I'm in a bit of a silly mood! I think i may be an awfully atrocious rapscallion
2. You are being a bit of a Squadaddle pop! I think that you, fair sir, may be an awfully atrocious rapscallion.

by commanderofthesqueedadoodles October 29, 2021


The word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious written out as a sentence. There are plenty of ways you could write it, but this is just one way you can turn this ridiculous word into a sentence.

Dairy Queen: *develops a new commercial starring Super Cow*
Professional Musician: *cracks fingers* Let’s do this.
The Resulting Song: Super-cow-is-fragile-artistic-and-extra-atrocious!

by ekejsjjdjfjrjejodowwmsjakjwmww June 24, 2023