Source Code

customer avoidance

While working, preferably in a retail job, you try to avoid customers all together by detouring throughout the store so you dont walk pass anyone in case the ask you for something.

Customer satisfaction? fuck that, im doing Customer Avoidance!

by peee ceee teee vee December 25, 2007

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practicing avoidance

"Practicing avoidance" is just a passive aggressive way of saying you were giving someone the silent treatment or ghosting them.

Bitch please you weren't " practicing avoidance" you were giving me the silent treatment!

by BEEFREE16 July 14, 2022

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Polaroid Avoid

Someone who is fun to look at, but not worth the time to develop anything (e.g. a relationship or hookup) with.

Oh man, I saw Stephanie at the party last night, but I had to give her a Polaroid Avoid since she's kind of dumb

by Piscineinthewind August 15, 2010

Avoiding Homework

What you are most likely doing right now.

Abby was avoiding homework, so she got on Urban Dictionary.

by serious lack of good names October 22, 2009

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aggressive avoidance

The act of not being in the same place as another person (i.e. avoiding, ghosting) in such a ridiculous manner to blatantly demonstrate that the absence is not circumstantial, but a deliberate choice.

Aggressive avoidance involves tactics that often appear to harm the doer more than the receiver. However, the avoider's self-inflicted pain or inconvenience is offset by the thrill he/she gets from blowing the other person off.

Janet: Does your roommate still live here? I haven't seen her in the hallway for the past few weeks and her car isn't here.
Tiffany: Oh, she still lives here. Look at her scaling side of the apartment building to get into her window. Her aggressive avoidance is because she lost a fight with me. Silly bitch.

by The Dumpstress October 12, 2018

Honorable avoidance

Going invisible to avoid further conversation

also done when a conversation is going nowhere

"hey""hi" "wassup" nuin" "wbu" "nuin"gtg" "ight ttyl" "(turns invisible)"
hey shelly!
hey, why are you invisible?
*sigh*James is on
honorable avoidance huh?

by whosaidwhat January 13, 2011

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Avoid Tidal

A terrible screamo band who brings shame to Sweden with pointless lyrics and terrible beats, and I am a screamo fan.

"Do not assume all Swedish people are like the bandmates of Avoid Tidal. We ARE human beings!"

by SwedishDude November 22, 2011