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A Commodore 64 computer demo/cracker group called, "Brain Damage Studios" that started in the late-1980s and is very probably still around. They also published the disk magazine, "Hardline".

I programmed the names Icebreaker, Moloch, and Redeye of BDS to the greetings in the scrollies of my demos back in the early-1990s.

by Telephony February 13, 2015

74๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Big Dick Syndrome. A state in which a female craves well endowed penises.

Man, my girlfriend'll never leave me she's got BDS.

by Pablo S. February 13, 2004

349๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bush Derangement Syndrome; A common affliction whereby people question the actions of President Bush or a Policy initiative launched by the Bush Administration.

"Aren't you concerned that the current Budget proposal put forth by President Bush has a high deficit?"

"Shut up Libtard, you're just suffering from BDS!"

by Brother Maynard September 25, 2007

155๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stands for Bush Derangement Syndrome; a affliction that causes normally calm and collected liberals to become furious and irrational whenever the subject of George W. Bush pops up.

Some of the more famous public displays of BDS include Howard Dean's "scream" speech, as well as Al Gore's screaming, red-faced rant where he accused Bush of betraying America. Online examples of BDS can be found on nearly any message board where politics are discussed.

"He BETRAYED this country! He PLAYED on our FEARS!"

-Al Gore

by Deej October 13, 2004

766๐Ÿ‘ 230๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stands for Barack Derangement Syndrome; a affliction that causes normally furious and irrational conservatives to become even more furious and irrational whenever the subject of Barack H. Obama pops up. Some of the more famous public displays of BDS include Michelle Bachmann, Joe Wilson, and John Boehner. Online examples of BDS can be found on nearly any message board where politics are discussed, particularly Free Republic, World Net Daily, and Newsmax.

"c tomrrw's Healthcare Takeover vote=the sleeping giant will awaken&action will b takn by"average"Americans as lite shines on big govt growth"

- Sarah Palin on Twitter, prime source of BDS

by LafinJack May 31, 2010

584๐Ÿ‘ 205๐Ÿ‘Ž


Burning Ddong-go-mong Sensation. Ddong-go-mong is a korean word meaning "butt-hole". it is used to classify the feeling you get on your butt-hole. there are several moments where this could happen. the most common experiences comes from the aftermath of taking a fat shit that felt like it's ripping you apart; or when you recieve a bazooka blasted ddong-jjeem(the force of combined index fingers shot up someone's ass).

Andrew had a mega BDS after recieving a powerful ddong-jjeem from Doh.

by Grunteeee September 1, 2006

502๐Ÿ‘ 377๐Ÿ‘Ž


Birth-DAY-Sex, On the day you came out of a vagina, you will either be back in one or something will be in yours

Erika and Kristy came to my house on my birthday for some BDS. It was awesome.

by Wilmereatspoop July 27, 2009

314๐Ÿ‘ 374๐Ÿ‘Ž