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Writer's balk

Similar to writer's block, a writer is mentally incapacitated from writing. However, the incapacitation stems from lack of willpower or lack of interest/enthusiasm in the actual project, rather than a lack of imagination or creativity. Is often paired with, though not necessarily a part of, procrastination. Can be used as a verb (i.e., writer's balking, writer's balked).

1: Hey, did you start that essay that 3 assigned you?
2: No. Writer's balk. It's a shitty subject to talk about. I don't like writing about it.

3: What's keeping 5 from finishing the review?
4: She writer's balked because the movie is that awful.
3: Do I have to finish it?
4: Yeah.

by They call me Ze September 18, 2010

Shit Balk

When you start heading to the bathroom to take a shit, but realize you are not ready to make a deposit.

Dave was on his way to use the cadillac stall when he shit balked. He went back to his desk to grab the paper.

by THE-MOWB January 14, 2011


A game-ending illegal move by a pitcher in a tie game, last inning, home team at the plate and a runner on 3rd.

The Mets suck

They really suck - their pitcher just balked

Braves win! Braves Win!

It's a Balk-off!

by Coreyml June 17, 2011

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fairuza Balk

An adjective to describe a person becoming a scary Goth-ish "witch". Becoming a bitch is also a possibility. Based on the name of the actress from "The Craft" that showed similar symptoms.

"Why is Cindy going all Fairuza Balk?"

by Brian G September 9, 2005

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Fairuza Balk

An interjection similar to zwounds or bollocks.

Oh Fairuza Balk UK iTunes is so rubbish!

by anycon February 6, 2005

4๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

clock balk

A rule that MLB was going to enforce on the pitcher that stipulates the pitcher is charged with a balk after a period of time expires.

He should be charged with a clock balk.

by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019


Singular t the word Balkings, a Balking is a mix between a Scandinavian/Nordic Viking and a Slavic/Balkan person. The indigenous powerful genetics of their species, make the most impeccable combination of human warriors. If so a Viking breed with a Slavic/Balkan, will create the powerful Balking. In the 9th century, there are tales from the Vikings voyages in the sagas of Heimskringla, where the Vikings went to the Roman Empire. They instantly got attracted to their physical abilities and features, where they created the human race of Balkings. A new empire were forged, by the blood of warriors. They are described as tall, white and mystically powerful beings.

Person 1: Hey! What is your ethnicity?
Person 2: I am half Scandi/Nordic and half Slavic/Balkan, so I am a Balking.

by History Reunited February 12, 2023