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The letters slightly above ur and on top of dictionary


by That one guy who wrote a word September 15, 2019

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A unisex name used in Arab countries.

Hi Ban, how’s your day going ?

by 200608 October 21, 2018

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To flash your genitals in a bathroom of the opposite sex while said bathroom is in use by the opposite sex!

Holy Shit! George just pulled a total ban in the ladies room!

by Dirtydick February 11, 2010

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A burn-tan. When you are so white that the only chance you have of getting tan is by burning first. Then your burn will fade into a ban.

Alexa’s ban gave her the color she needed before her formal. And her burn didn’t even last for that long!

Mark and his friends were chilling on the beach laying in the sun. They were tanning but Mark’s skin was so fair he was banning.

by Koumba July 28, 2018

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banning is when u do something bad and they block you from whatever ur doin so

*curses in ur christian minecraft server* *gets banned* YU GOT BANNED BRO HA XD 123 LOL

by joshanims January 21, 2020

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The awkward relationship that soon grew to be the seed of something huge. The male in the relationship has an unusually high voice. He uses his sweet acting skills, singing, and dancing to impress the female. Their love was shaky at first but now can stand any blow. They love the beach and always walk back an forth along the shore whispering into each others ears. The female loves the male not just as a husband but also as a best friend. They go on road trips all the time driving around the US. They finally settled down in Italy and had 5 children. They lived the rest of their lives happy and together.

Can we have a relationship like Ban?

by Tylan4Ever June 15, 2017

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The act of removing an individual from a source, some side effects that victims may experience are; *a very high pitched voice, screaming repeatedly, and banging their heads against the nearest pillow

*see squeaker for a faster definition

Boy: "My dad owns microsoft and he's going to ban you because you are so bad at minecraft battle royale

by Electric Flash May 15, 2018

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