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A yellow fruit that is known to dance and sing about peanutbutter and jelly.

"It's peanutbutter jelly time!"

by Baha October 1, 2004

3536πŸ‘ 1048πŸ‘Ž


One of the only words in the english language with the ability to make you feel stupid every time you try to write or type it.

I feel stupid when I write the word banana. Its like, how many na's are on this thing? 'Cause I'm like 'Bana ... keep going. Bananana ... damn.

by Laughing Jesus July 26, 2008

871πŸ‘ 301πŸ‘Ž


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Brian Griffin is a banana

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………………………..…./ . . . . . . |β€“β€žβ€žβ€žβ€žβ€žβ€žβ€“,~””¯ . . .
Brian griffin: the banana

by you are awesome as December 27, 2011

86πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A fan of the cuck king Youtuber Onision who watches his videos so obsessively that it starts to peel of their skin to the point of cannibalism and their death

Guy one: Who's ONISION?

Guy two: he is the next banana hitler

Guy one: *kills himself*

by Zzeedbbbwhjndbb February 13, 2017

41πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


A subscriber of Onision who watches his videos so obsessively they begin to peel their own skin off while cannibalising themselves to the point of death. Most Bananas, aka Onision subscribers wind up dead or in the hospital due to the cancerous effect of his videos. Onision must be stopped.

Guy 1: Hey, have you heard of Onision?

Guy 2: Oh, you mean the next Hitler?
Guy 1: *kills himself*
Guy 2: Banana.

by SassyCuck February 13, 2017

82πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A banana is somebody who watches Onision's videos obsessively to the point where they begin to peal their own skin ((I forgot what else))

Guy 1: "what is a banana?"

Guy 2: "kys"

by ViolentBurrito_yt February 14, 2017


A tasty fruit high in potassium. Also, sometimes used as a firearm.

They started to rush me, so I took out my banana and unloaded it on them.

by Toussaint L'Ouverture November 20, 2011

125πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž