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a crack fiend

Lay off the rock, basshead

by pimpinNpatterin May 4, 2003

215👍 169👎


When a woman performs oral sex on a man and while she does, she makes dubstep-esque bass noises with her mouth, ie: WAAA WAAAA WAAAA WAAA

Last night at the rave, I hooked up with a chick in the bathroom and she totally dropped the basshead!

by Getdatscrilla January 8, 2012

35👍 64👎


1. Also known as a dumBASS, for not excercizing prudence with their volume levels. see dumBass

2. Someone who believes anything with loud, (and usually muddy and distorted), bass, is high quality sound.

3. An unrefined headphone user who doesn't appreciate true audiophile quality sound.

That dumBass Basshead just bought himself a set of Beyerdynamic DT770s headphones. He might as well strap some subwoofers onto his skull.

by Big T April 16, 2004

29👍 89👎


A culture consisting of positive vibes reminiscent of the PLUR movement in the days of old. Bassheads gathered at Bassnectar shows to see their patriarch performing his own intoxicating brand of electronic music. After years of spreading positive vibes the Bassheads now face darker times ahead. Like all leaders of movements, tribes, factions, cults, etc... Lorin Ashton (Bassnectar) used his influence to prey upon his flock. He has been accused of grooming underage girls to submit to his will. The loyal Bassheads were sincerely hurt when news of their leader being a predator hit the internet. Since then the culture has all but dissolved. Now the Bassheads roam music festivals in herds of wooks trying to find their new identities.

“Did you see the flock of Bassheads at Electric Forest... I’ve never seen so many lost souls.”

by Hdotfly May 11, 2021

1👍 1👎


noun:1a)A person that does or did something absolutely absurd
noun:1b)a word for describing someone as dumb or unintelligent
adj: something that is absurd

Tim was characterized as a basshead after he slipped on a banana peel in front of his whole class.

Where are you coming up with these basshead ideas?

by ultrabasshead September 4, 2008

7👍 72👎