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1. Short for "bachelor". Used to describe a single male that regularly exhibits all of the traits of a bachelor and enjoys the freedom of living the single life. A Batch's relationships with women never become very serious, as they often prefer a solid game of FIFA over female interaction. A common misconception is that a Batch rarely has sexual intercourse, but their "not-giving-a-fuck" attitude is highly appealing to women and ensures that they regularly have multiple sexual partners to choose from.
2. A fully fledged member of the Bachelor Brigade

CI: Hey, when do you think you'll get married?
JH: Dude, I don't even think about that. I'm a Batch for life.

Did you see that that guy pick up that chick last night and take her home? What a Batch!

by Capt Batch Bandit June 19, 2014

8πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A group of b*tches

I didn’t get to talk to her because she stayed in her batch the whole time.

by babsrld April 25, 2021


Alternative and demeaning word for jizz

Shaun brought this slut home from the bar and couldn't pull out so he threw his batch in her

by Filthy fella March 29, 2016


Someone who hangs around in large groups of friends and usually has a bland personality.

Derives from a "batch" of cookies.

As in all the cookies are the same and always appear in a batch. No one ever bakes just one cookie.

So a "Batch" is basically someone with a cookie-cutter personality they pulled off a shelf who hangs around with large groups of equally bland people.

April is such a basic batch. Such a fucking batch of a human being.

You know April: bland, annoying, and always hanging around in large groups of equally bland, irritating women to make up for her inherent uselessness. 100% a batch.

by ~~~ Anonymous ~~~ February 27, 2020


Batch; a whole bunch of bitches

That’s some rude batches over there

by Kingling March 30, 2022


Is a term that is used to describe a fat bitch.

Thomas: "Ay yo check out that Batch!!!"
Guillermo: " Damn!!! Yah she sure is a fat Bitch!!!"

by Nat0069 April 16, 2008

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A Bad Bitch. as in fucking awesome.

your batch ain't better than my batch!

by bridimattio April 25, 2011

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