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1. Sincere approval.
2. When something is incomparable in its excellence.

"This cheese is grate."

by Megwan657 September 10, 2021

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž



Man I've been working so hard, 'been pulling in mad grate

by br00t41 April 6, 2011

19πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A plural of 'grate' originally designed as an insult to anime viewers. Being called a grates is to be shameful of ones self.

"Man that guy that watches anime all day is a real grates"

by ubermadness November 13, 2016

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A word that should not be spelled like that

Man, I can believe grateful isn’t spelled like greatful it’s a disgrace

by yourmomishot March 21, 2021

8πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


to be utterly irritated by a machination of an original tongue or way of life in to a new, hybrid with a lack of identity.

I saw in an essay today somebody write hostel instead of hostile typically ignoring the original meaning which lead to a feeling of resentment which really grated me.

by Birdy1985 June 10, 2010

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Spending money. As in "grating the cheddar."

I've been grating too hard this weekend. I can't go out tonight.

by Dontneedaname June 18, 2015

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


You put it between nouns and verbs. Means I enjoy bubble baths.

I started to run, but then I got grated tripped.

by bread infection November 8, 2005

8πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž