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Large firm breasts the nipples always seem to be erect weather in a bra or not.

The tit's you can't help but stare at.

They shine like beacons therefore they become it.

They are not age defined could be on a cougar or a young chick.

People can't help but stare at them.

"No matter where they are everyone seems to be drawn to stare at them like a shining pair of beacons."

"The are like a pair of bug lights you seems dawn to them"

by Maple Backwoods January 23, 2010

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The one extremely hot chick in your office that is otherwise fugly excluding her.

"Damn, everybody we work with is not attractive. There's nobody worth even hitting on at the company holiday party."
"Don't forget about Jamie, that beacon in the payroll department."

by OpenForBiz January 23, 2015

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The Beacon

1) A resteraunt in Spartanburg, SC. The resteraunt is mostly famous for it's (very) sweet beacon iced tea. They also have a lot of greasy food there. Even their salads are greasy. They also have good ice cream there. They are also famous for employee JC Strobel, whose famous catchphrase "CALL IT!" which he yells out when it is someone's turn to order. Instead of ordering a "deluxe" plate, they call it an "a-plenty."

2) A really good resteraunt in Spartanburg, SC. Enough said.

"I got a chili cheese a-plenty at the beacon."

Mom "I think they put way too much sugar in their tea at the beacon"
Me "Nonsense. I love it."

Out of towner "Who's that guy who keeps yelling 'Call it?'"
Me "That's JC Strobel, he's an essential cornerstone of the beacon."

by Shredding Freakenstein99 February 8, 2012

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a term in automobiles, when describing a bright colored car or truck, which are often very underpowered, and suck $ for $- see also my friends 1500

dude your trucks a total beacon "no way its a work truck", work truck you say what part of it does work, its color is gayman blue, and its 4.3 V-6 belongs in a S-10 (no offense to chevys i own 1 myself)

by TahoeMan98 February 2, 2005

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The Beacon School

A mixed public school located in Surrey, England where the girls skirts are higher than their life expectancy, the teachers shag their students, the toilets are used as brothels, and the year 7s think they’re top of the school. The students are either suspiciously smart or can barely pick up a pencil. The teachers are certified nonces who don’t get paid enough and it shows. Most people fail their GCSEs because the grade boundaries are ridiculously high. The toilets look like they haven’t seen any kind of cleaning products since 1985 and to top it all of, the school is ran by a nosy elf who tries too hard and has personal space issues.

person 1: that kid just stole some crappy makeup from asda
person 2: probably goes to the beacon school

by rebeccaaaaaaa.ox January 29, 2020

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Douche Beacon

A person, usually female, that only attracts douchey men. Quite like a light house brings in ships from storms.

Man, that chick is really cool but she is such a douche beacon.

Guy 1: Why does that chick stay single all of the time, she's really cool.

Guy 2: She knows that she's a douche beacon, she has completely given up on dating.

by Wittless September 30, 2014

Bacon Beacon

The car, or cars that a person allows to go faster than them on a highway or interstate in order to draw out cops.

Passenger: Dude why are you letting this asshat pass you?

Driver: Don't worry, I'm just using them as a Bacon Beacon

by Lpowell13 November 7, 2013