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One who knows when to have cake.. and eat it.

Beverley, when in need of (Cake)

by Cake eaters February 5, 2010

148👍 47👎

beverley night

An alcohol-fuelled night, playing on the name Beverley to mean bevvy/beverage (an alcoholic drink) and the female singer Beverley Knight.

"Im feeling the effects of a right beverley night"

by Bobby Gigi April 19, 2008

3👍 1👎

beverley knight

rhyming slang for shite

god that film was really beverley knight!

by yorkie June 17, 2003

5👍 20👎

Beverley Fortunes

A narcissistic, self-righteous cunt. Who is blessed with an abundance of looks, charisma & charm. Not easily fazed by others. Highly hilarious & intelligent.

"Look at Beverley Fortunes, she's just amazing"

by Beverley Fortunes December 13, 2017

Beverley Wilson

A sexually deranged beast from the third dimension.

Woah that Beverley Wilson almost got us!

by Charlie Chaplin III August 25, 2011

wayne and beverley

Two people who are sexually compatible

It was definitely a Wayne and Beverley type of night .

by Flake December 20, 2017

Beverley Greenlay

she's amazing can give you butterflies in 3 seconds. She'll make the saddes person happy.

''do you know Beverley Greenlay''
''yes i do shes amazing''

by beverleylover February 26, 2017