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Noun; aka Bev;

Beverly is an amazing girl. She puts family and friends before anything. She is easily angered and has a short temper. She is unbelievably good in bed. She has the most sexiest body. And has an ass. Many girls think shes a show off until they get to know her. She is goofy and has a sense of humor. But she overthinks a lot. She loves trying to solve peoples problems. Her favorite thing to do is eat all day all night. All the boys are too afraid to ask her out because they think they'll get rejected. Once you get to know a Beverly you'll want to keep her forever. She gives her trust away easily. Shes has a fragile heart so dont break it. Once you have a Beverly in your life dont lose her.

Willie: "Hey do you know that funny girl with the big ass?"
Daniel: "Must be Beverly"

Mike: "Shit i wish my girl was a Beverly"
Sam: "Keep dreaming dude, that'll never happen"

by LILniggaFrumDaHood April 3, 2018

42πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A girl who does not take shit from anybody, who is always ready yto fight.She has a lot of friends but people tend to think she is annoying. Other then that she is very gorgeous, feisty, intelligent, and has a nice body. She is talented. She is unique and different.

Did you see Beverly today? she looked pretty but not her attitude. UGHHHH!!! she can be annoying sometimes

by togoodforya23 March 24, 2011

284πŸ‘ 156πŸ‘Ž


n. one who is bringing sexy back; one who is a mammajamma; one who is straight up gangsta; one who is a BFF; one who takes M-Diddy to prom; one who mingles with chemistry teachers; one who has hott buttery buns; one who is hillbilly

Beverly is Jackocrackolyn, yo!

Beverly and Beatrice are BFF's!

by BeatriceandBeverly February 11, 2009

906πŸ‘ 601πŸ‘Ž


City in massachusetts that really isn’t part of mass. All the kids are gay, they shower together. Some weird shit happens there. wtw mass completely exposes them

Look at those kids, they’re definitely from Beverly they’re so gay

by masshatesbev December 6, 2018

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A sexy woman who would be beautiful if she would smile more. Great in bed, will do almost anything, and just can't say "No." Perfect girlfriend, but you'd want somebody more focused for a wife.

The first time we went to bed, Beverly told me she wouldn't do anal. I think that meant she'd do anything else.

by ultimobear July 18, 2014

60πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


The gayest town in Massachusetts

The B in LGBT means Beverly

by Wtw.mass November 18, 2018

9πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a sexy Puerto Rican with a mix a Cuban. She's the bitch that doesn't give a fuck but will fuck you up. She pretty much has it going on, you know what I mean.. thick in the hips, tiny waist.. pretty much DAMN dime piece.

Damn I wanna date a dime piece like Beverly, mmm mm mm so fine

by James J. Henry March 13, 2011

96πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž