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Big Tasty

The most awkward burger to ask for at a drive-thru that McDonald's will ever offer. Sounds wrong in so many ways to those of us with a sick mind, yet to innocent citizens, is a mere burger

"Ill have a er... Big Tasty please."

"Would you like any sauce?"


by scentless apprentice January 5, 2010

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

big tasty

M-80's dopest MC that you ain't never see // Coz when you mess with the best we put you to rest // Go ahead and start shit Straight 7 you aint goin to heaven // Hell, I download you like tylenol shoulda called yo'selves Penis Patrol

Object of Big Tasty's affection, partners of passionate sex, place to put my erection.

by MG January 5, 2004

5πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

big tasty sauce

Big tasty sauce comes from a mixture of McDonald's, saucy Strawberry lube, and disappointment.

Much like the "Big Tasty" this sauce is filled with alcohol, drugs and many a night spent alone due to escaping the trollop one would call a one night stand.

Similarities include the panamanian petting zoo with its carbohydrate consumption to create a long lasting affect of substance, all the while being void of any substance at all.

The big tasty sauce is generally a huge disappointment unless you're on the Atkinson diet.

Ellie: Did you know the Atkins diet doesn't actually work?

Ashley: Already knew that! Try some big tasty sauce! All the benefits but 10x the fun!

by CosmicFrube January 18, 2017

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Big tasty

Alex caulfield= big tasty

Don’t mess w big tasty

by Alex Caulfield August 13, 2019

Big tasty

Alex Caulfield is big tasty

Alex is big tasty this was done by his girlfriend Nell Scott

by Alex Caulfield August 6, 2019

Big Tasty

big tasty is so hot. everyone loves big tasty. big tasty is the most baller chick ever. everyone loves big tasty. big tasty will rock your shit. everyone loves big tasty

big tasty.


by October 8, 2020

the big tasty bacon burger

The reason your maid dosent clean your bathroom anymore.

guy 1 : Hey you know how i havent had any diarrhea lately ?
dude 2: you should try the big tasty bacon burger

by your wifes gardener November 15, 2021