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A biggot is basically another word for a racist.

Damn KKK, full of those country club biggots.

by OliverS May 15, 2005

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Biggot - bigot

A person who is so indoctrinated by a particular ideology that he can no longer form his own individual subjective opinion and simply repeats a commonly held view

Mum: All aliens must be feared
Kid: I hate aliens

by Anne February 16, 2005

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milk biggot

Someone who is lactose intolerant.

My tummies got the rumbles, since I drank that whole milk. Oh God, I'm a milk biggot now!

by OoklaGeezus June 21, 2005

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biggots in bedsheets

Another term for the KKK.

I saw these guys one time who had on white sweat shirts and looked like a bunch of biggots in bedsheets.

by Claudia Van Slosher February 27, 2006

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biggot basterd king

The rank achived when: you have become a basterd and coronated 'The King of all Biggots'. it is one of the lowest ranks in the hierarchy of Shishahism (A religion based on smoking the Hookah Pipe) and is often used as an insult or a friendly greating among devotees.

See Shishaism for more details.

Martin: Hey dude, i'm so stoned of my ass right now...
Charles: Biggot Basterd King
Martin: Same to you man, same to you.

by Martin Pedersen October 12, 2005

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biggot sandwiches

sandwiches made by Seth; a homophobic looking alike Santa Claus character from tlou2

β€œbiggot sandwiches” *hands the sandwiches to Jesse*

by elliewilliamslover123 November 5, 2023


An alternate version of the word β€œFaggot”, but instead it’s used for people who are overweight.

Nikocado Avocado is such a biggot bro ong ong

by redactedyt May 9, 2024