Source Code

Black Ops

One of the shittiest fps games to date with horrible lag compensation and unfair advantages due to connection and poor servers/host. A game thats hit detection is only decent 20 percent of the time. A game where a player with an accuracy of 20 percent with a k/d of 2.58 can lose to a player with a 12 percent accuracy with a k/d of .96 A game where sniping is garbage and faggots still think its cool to get on and try and quick scope on a game that isn't designed for that. A game where people think they're good at it by getting a clan together to tactically camp and or camp the spawns on demo/domination to achieve a high k/d easily. Also a game where people deny their host advantage when they have one and declare they're better than you automatically.

On Black Ops last night GrabbaBeer put a whole clip into that bitch and the faggot shot him twice and he died.

by GrabbaBeer September 29, 2011

66๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Ops

A Call of Duty title that online multiplayer communities are obsessing over. While the game seems to be very popular, it actually fucking sucks. This game is putting an end to teen pregnancies, and turning women lesbian at the same time. There has also been reports of straight males turning queer after playing it as well. While the multiplayer and single player experience is quite bad, the Zombies mode is actually pretty kick ass. The name of the game comes from African American descent, most likely being nigger.

Guy 1: Playin' Black Ops tonight?

Guy 2: I can't clown with that nigger anymore. Hell, I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna go out and find some penis.

Guy 1: What the hell? I thought you had a girlfriend??

Guy 2: That game turned me queer, and my girlfriend dumped me and turned dike.

by Dizzay February 9, 2011

75๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Ops

The act of going into a public bathroom and pissing everywhere. An elegant art form, truely. If a bathroom has been adequately Black Ops'd, it should be impossible for anyone to operate without getting wethanded.

Gavin just black ops'd the Arby's. He got it on the fucking ceiling!

by TEHd November 8, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Ops

Going "Black Ops" is another way to talk about blacking out from too much booze.

I was at the bar last night and after the third pitcher of Margaritas I went black ops. I then woke up with a stranger next to me.

by Cheterism May 7, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black ops

reason why most women are turning lesbian

Sally:Whats wrong.? Betty: Ugh i havent seen my boyfriend in months ever since black ops came out

by yadadamean.? January 2, 2011

567๐Ÿ‘ 119๐Ÿ‘Ž

black ops

A very effective contraception method used by teens. the cause of huge and almost instant drop in rates of new teen pregnancies (there have been 5 pregnancies confirmed since nov. 9th, 2010).

Colloquially known as black ops, the real name of the game is Call of Duty: African-American Ops.

example 1:

hot girl: "hey you, want a blowjob? ;)"

guy: "no im playing black ops. maybe later. FUUUUUUCKKKKKK goddamnit fucking hardscoper!!"

example 2:
white kid: man black ops is gona be fucking awesome!

person of african descent: you mutha FUCKA!!

by MildlyUpsetManOfColor November 15, 2010

722๐Ÿ‘ 224๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black ops

The best form of abstinence known to man. Give this to a guy and it's like a condom and wont ever break.

The uttermost hated thing by girls everywhere.

Sally: NOOOOOO, John got a copy of Black Ops!

Jen: Back to match.com for you...

by Bowser701 February 14, 2011

228๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž