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A generic place. So generic that it’s slogan might as well be “Keep Bloomington-Normal”.

“I went to Bloomington-Normal. Just like everyone else who has ever visited, I have nothing remarkable to recount.”

by TK2000 October 29, 2023

1👍 1👎


Sister cities located in central Illinois. Famous for having more mediocre restaurants per capita than any other place in the United States. Also home to a state university teeming with STD's.

Student 1: What are you doing in Bloomington/Normal today?

Student 2: After class, I'm going to refill my herpes prescription and then get some Applebee's for dinner.

by Baunitdabaun January 26, 2006

124👍 52👎

Bloomington MN

A ghetto ass city in the middle of Minnesota. Some would say that this is the best city in Minnesota. Other "normal" people beg to differ. This is a shitty, run down, noisey ass city that had crime and fires going non-stop. Most people from Bloomington are complete bad ass's. They don't give a single fuck about what you say to them. They cap a mother fucker if they have to.

-I'm from Bloomington MN
-Oh, what a nice city

-Nigga it's Bloomington.

by Pandabear nigga January 29, 2019

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a city close to fontana,california with the smallest possible population. all of the 7-8th graders go to bloomington middle school,all of the 9-12 graders go to bloomington high school. a large bridge connects the rest of bloomington to bms and bhs on the other side.

where do yoe live


by saucy phion lion April 20, 2011

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Bloomington, Indiana

Bloomington is a college town located in southern Indiana about an hour or so away from Indy. Aside from the infestation of dumb, drunk and mostly spoiled college students, the water is moldy everywhere you go due to the everything being made out of Lime stone. I will give the town points for being the one beacon of liberal hope in most of the state but even then. The town has non of the perks of Indiana like a Martins or woods that are close by enough to hike. its a shithole town like many others in Indiana but just on a little but larger scale. Lastly, this town has a disturbing amount of sushi places for being located so far in the heart of the Midwest.

"you went to college where? Bloomington, Indiana? wft is that?
Defined: "oh, its a shithole town in southern Indiana, where you don't want to visit, let alone live"

by practicalmagic September 28, 2021

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Bloomington Party Pooper

Meet an attractive lady at a party. Take her to a private area. Fuck her in the ass hoping that some shit comes out on your dick. Wipe shit off cock with either hand. Then on the way back to the party gently stroke the back of her head depositing her own shit in her hair. Hope everyone sees this and she starts running away crying.

Hey Dan did you see that girl with shit in her hair at the party?? Some genius must have given her the old Bloomington Party Pooper. Yeah... It was me.

by R.R. WMD October 4, 2007

26👍 7👎

Bloomington Butt Bomb

When you shove three big macs with no lettuce up the ass hole of a morbidly obese transgender midget and procede in anal sex with the burgers being squished inside the anus. 3 hours after sex the person with the burgers and cum in their ass is to excrete all over the nipples of the dimmer.

Dude I had Dingleberry over last night and we did a Bloomington Butt Bomb! It was hot as shit but now I have testicular cancer!

by Tweakgangonmcbaptweak January 5, 2021