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to hunt down small ponies with a shotgun

i went out and did a bondy

by hjfdhjrfgebjkrbjk June 22, 2009

29๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


1 A slang term used in North-East London to define someone who is incredibly intelligent and cool.

2 Someone who is highly respected and revered by others.

"He is so bondy! I wish i was a bondy like him!"

"Man! You'll never be bondy, get out ma ends blud!"

by TB28(22) March 26, 2007

37๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Bondie - a term used to descibe someone who turns up at partys and steals peoples fags and drink, annoys the hell out of you and your guests and only leaves when someone has had enough of them and snaps, think you best leave like now mate, go on do one

oh no, who invited this idiot to the party, hes come empty handed, just seen him taking a beer and and seen him rifling peoples fags, and why the hell does he keep speaking in weird voices, man hes defentailey a Bondie

by legend13 August 9, 2010

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A knit or crochet sweater vest.

sleeveless pull-over knit bondy

by Selah4u November 13, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A fat fuck streamer who sucks at everything, and eats ass with nutella.

Fuck you fatty Bondy

by fatboybondy March 11, 2019


Wife who is not on the money spending mission.

Man; "Bondy, we actually have some money saved!"
Wife; "I forgot my password for my online spending spree!"

by Tupmaker January 10, 2018

a bondy

When a job takes twice as long as you expected and turns out rubbish

Oh my god it's took all day to do that and it's rubbish I just did a bondy

by We love bondy December 9, 2018

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