Source Code

Puff Puff Booty Stank

Only applicable to the use of a vaporizer, e-cigarette, atomizer, etc. When the urge hits to get your smoke on but you have nothing yet your friend next to you does, call out "Puff Puff Booty Stank!" this is a distress signal of wanting a few hits from your friend's device. Be sure to thank them properly at the end for sharing.

*driving in the car with your friend*
*friend pulls out vaporizer*
you: "Puff Puff Booty Stank!"
*friend passes device to you*
you: "haha thank you man"

by CottonCandyAss March 28, 2014

Stank Booty

A word used to discribe ones father if he's a cheap ho and his booty stanks, as well.


Father: *slaps son* Shut up ho. My anus reeks with the stank of a thousand skunks because I'm to cheap to buy a bathtub.

Son: Nigga pleeeeze..

by Pimpalicous June 25, 2006

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Stank Booty

Means you have a bad attitude and cannot be bothered!!

Chauntika said she cannot be bothered with her co-workers today, and the others feel she is being "stank booty."

Merb your phone etiquette is "stank booty."

Talking on your cell phone while in the bathroom is "stank booty."

by Its a Dirty Dark Secret October 29, 2009

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Stank Booty Hizzo

A stank booty hizzo is best described as a woman of questionable morals or of a promiscuos background.noun

*proper spelling in english is*

Stank Bootied Hizzo.

used in a sentence...

Man , that girl like to mess around on her man..shes a Stank Booty Hizzo!! Wid er triflin ass...mmmm hmm.

by Old Skool Dubba March 17, 2009

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Stank Booty Ass

What the Slave master used to call the slaves when they try to rebel or talk back.
(im joking ) (or am i?)

Rebel Slave โ€œ No mastaโ€
Slave Master โ€œShut your stank booty ass up.โ€

by imnotgayJordan August 21, 2023

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Stank booty

When a childs booty stank.

When a child poops in their dipper you say "Damn you got mad stank booty!"

by Scoot104 April 23, 2019

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Stank booty syndrome

When your booty stinks so bad you can smell it from a mile away

1st person: dang what stank so bad
2Nd person: probably lil ryry with her stank booty syndrome
1st person: ewwww she needs to leave the room

by StankBootySyndrom123 June 15, 2023

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