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Someone who lies about themselves in order to a) impress people (namely vulnerable/gullible men and women) and b) to evade the reality of who they are.

Most lies are erratic, far fetched and extreme exaggerations of true events.

Don: Yeah, I was out to dinner at the Ivy when she proposed to me but I said no....I own 3 properties in the UK....I have a PHd in Chemistry and went to Oxford University....But I had a job on the railways as a signalman, a train driver, all at Euston...I have so many fifty notes in pocket I need to get some change...Women only go for me because of the money I have...

Jim: Really mate? Then why are you driving a crappy van, living in a crappy apartment, borrowing money from your 'mates' and chasing after women half your age? You're such a Bullshitter.

by Roger Has a Hard-on January 28, 2012

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People who either completely make up a story or just exaggerate it so much that they don't fool anyone except themselves. Usually a hypocrite as well. They do this because their life is actually a boring piece of Shit

Kyle M. lies about everything which makes him a bullshitter. This was our conversation (TRUE FUCKING STORY):
Kyle: "Yeah, I got ding dong ditched last night! Luckily I was outside so I threw a rock at their head and knocked one of them out! So his friend picked him up, rang the doorbell and ran away!"
Me: "Yeah, dumbass, that was me, I was with ****** and we got your house good. No one was outside and I sure as hell don't remember a god damn rock thrown at our heads!" *sigh* Dumbass

by retardsforlife November 1, 2007

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People who either completely make up a story or just exaggerate it so much that they don't fool anyone except themselves. Usually a hypocrite as well. They do this because their life is actually a boring piece of Shit

Kyle M. lies about everything which makes him a bullshitter. This was our conversation (TRUE FUCKING STORY):
Kyle: "Yeah, I got ding dong ditched last night! Luckily I was outside so I threw a rock at their head and knocked one of them out! So his friend picked him up, rang the doorbell and ran away!"
Me: "Yeah, dumbass, that was me, I was with ****** and we got your house good. No one was outside and I sure as hell don't remember a god damn rock thrown at our heads!" *sigh* Dumbass

by retardsforlife November 1, 2007

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Making up shit to be cool but isnt. Otherwise known as "Dre" could sicken a normal bullshitter with the amount of bull shit that comes out of his mouth be cautious while in his presence as loss of brain cells is a side effect.

Dre day 1: Yo, dawg you ain't bout that life I live that shit everyday my uncle controls the drug world I'm from New York.

Dre day 2: you don't know what the fuck you talking bout I live in Miami I see Kim K all the time I take my girl to shop at they store.

Dre day 3: man I can't wait to go back to the Island I miss it that's my home

Innocent bystander: where you from?

Dre: Im Dominican

Innocent Bystander: so are you from NY or Florida?

Dre: well....

Innocent bystander: you a fucking bullshitter

Dre: nah fuck that you don't know me I'm Krimson

by InnocentBystander143 July 21, 2013

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A bankrupt not actually bankrupt man.

He's just a bullshitter

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd August 24, 2020

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An inveterate liar. A person whose life is so empty they have to invent grandiose yarns and daring exploits to make people think they are anything other than sad pathetic losers.The king of bullshitters is a guy called Eddie and one of his outlandish anecdotes is transcribed below.

"So I got a bite and I reeled it in and it was a 500cc motorbike. Kick started first time. Went down to Birmingham for the weekend on it. Pulled two girls and did them both in the hotel room while snoting coke off their tits. Just as I joined the M6 on my way home the front wheel fell off. Couldn't fix it so had to do a wheelie for the full 120 miles."

"Jesus! You bullshitter!"

by Dave Mars January 16, 2007

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Foolish. Deceitful. Nonsense. Lies.
Basically something that is WORTHLESS...

1. What she told me was a bunch of BULLSHIT (nothing but lies and nonsense).


by BLDH July 7, 2006

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