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He is the embodiment of a King. He carries himself with honor as he is honest. He is very respectful of others. He is fair & kind he returns energy so treat him how you want to be treated. He is so sexy & charming! You can’t help but fall for Byron. He is an Alpha male and he displays a great example for divine masculinity. When in love he is dedicated and he always gives his all. Being both a companion and a lover. Naturally he is motivating to the ones he cares for as he wants to see the people he loves succeed. He is multi talented & his biggest passion thrives in the arts. He captures the most amazing photographs. I think that’s how he managed to capture my heart. He is very successful and a natural leader. The world doesn’t deserve Byron’s.

Is that a Lion?? No it’s just King Byron

by PlutoZoricon October 11, 2020

21👍 6👎


A sweet, tall guy with a big heart. He will stay be your side no matter what.

Omg, Byron is so nice!


by December 5, 2021

12👍 2👎


He is a strong, athletic guy. A fun guy who cares for the ones around him. He tends to joke with the girls, he smart, tall , and as some girls will say "sexy". He's that one tall person that every girl tries to get, But Byron doesn't go for looks, he only goes for the personality. When he sees someone hurt, he loves to help any way he can.

"omg did you see Byron today?''
"yea, omg he's so cute".
"I love him"

by byron March 23, 2018

11👍 2👎


A small town in Georgia that's basically run into the ground. They use the token "Georgia's historic Byron" to cover up that it's full of pedophiles and meth heads. The cops are assholes and just might eat your asshole over half a gram of weed.

Probably the only good thing about the shithole is it's abundance of dollar stores.

"Dude, have you seen the meth dealer behind the Dollar Tree in Byron? She was losing her shit over the pipe she lost."

by GA Memes March 1, 2019


A very smart, sexy, intelligent, beautiful, cute(omgoose so adorable), skinny, kind and nerdy young man whose also very good in bed and has very beautiful lips.

Byron is the love of my life!

Byron is the perfect young man.

by Noodle Jarrett October 11, 2017

23👍 9👎


Byron is a very nice guy, he is caring , teases girls but in a nice way, very attractive and active, good in bed

Girl 1: girl I just went on a date with Byron
Girl 2:and what happened?
Girl 1:everything girl
Girl 2:he is fine asf

by Markwalt March 29, 2020

5👍 1👎


Byron seems to be asleep right now

Byron is asleep right now.

by TTLB5 March 9, 2022