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Corporate nut sack.

That fucking CNS didnt give me a job, b/c he didnt like that I didnt graduate from an ivory league college, and corrected his job interview questions, in front of his co workers for his corporate software position making him look like a chump.

Thanks to him, I started my own business and retired.

by laughing at the bank April 28, 2017

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The word is not what you have been teached in school. It stands for Central Nigga Slaves. It means the central NE in a group of 3,5,7 ect.

There is the left, the LNS, the right, the RNS and then finaly the CNS, the center of the centrals...

by Uggiminer69 December 3, 2020

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City of Norwich School. A British High School in Norwich, Norfolk. One of the most popular high schools in the area. CNS takes students from the age of 11 to the age of 18.

bill: i go to cns.

ben: what is cns?

bill: it's a high school.

ben: oh.

by Bouncing Rat March 26, 2007

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Stands for .Cute. Nigga. Shit. Used when you wanna describe someone doing something "fuckboyish" to girls.
Used to describe men/boys

"Ayo I hooked up with like 5 different girls this weekend, I'm really back on my CNS shit bruh"
"Yesssirrrr we back baby"

by Jaruto September 24, 2019

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CyberNations- Online nation simulation game of over 40,000 players. Involves management of Infrastructure, Technology, Military, Trade agreements and much more.

Dude, been playing CN lately? You look exhausted.

Aw crap, my CyberNation just lost a trade...

by Stryker90 April 19, 2007

91๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used to make it easier to block tweets / blogposts to avoid trigger or unwanted topics.

Content Note
CN Drugs Death Humor

My pension plan is smoking enough to die intime before nursing home

by Luunii March 6, 2021

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CN - used to describe someones hotness as deadly, referring to the deadly chemical compound cyanide.

"OMG he is sooooo CN"
"Dude, that girl over there is CN as f*ck"

by chemistrygirl321 March 10, 2018

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