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A girl who loves her boyfriend more than he loves her

"she has to love him more, she's Cassidy!"

by whenyoureright October 7, 2015

46๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


funniest girl in the world. not stuck up. knows who her friends are. cant function without music. usually loves anchorman. always knows what's up and where its at! beautiful. has a different hair color every time you see her. she would do anything to get what she wants. she will have a conversation with anyone, even if its your pizza delivery guy. usually with long hair. and loves to party!!

guy 1: how about that CASSIDY girl?
guy 2: ohhh CASSIDY! i was talking to her the other day!!
guy 1: how'd that go?
guy 2: AMAZING! she's the funniest girl i've ever met!

by duuggaan June 26, 2011

109๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


A super gorgeous girl who friggin' makes every guy drool. Usually short and curvy. Super funny and occasionally pervy. Usually has guys as her bffs.

Girl: OMG! Have you seen Cassidy?She is soooo gorg! I wish i had her figure!

Guy: I'd hit that

by CassidysBFF March 5, 2012

77๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


The best girl anyone could meet! Shy and caring one you get to know her there is no one you'd ather be with! So gorgeous but won't see it! So honest it's refreshing! Once you know cassidy you will never want to be away from her!!

'Is that Cassidy... she's gorgeous'

by Ruby77225 June 10, 2017

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cassidy is a great friend. She is always there for you, no matter what. She has the best fashion out of everyone I know. She is beautiful inside and out! Everyone loves her. She is the life of wehre ever shes at! Anyone can tell her anything and she will listen and wont judge. Shes really my best friend!

did you see cassidy at the mall today? i want her outfit!

by jhawks2013 June 25, 2010

248๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


she is shy... until you get to know her. She loves going to the fair and theme parks. She loves to play sports especially cheer! She is very athletic. She is usually very short. She is very strong to defend her older brothers. She is sassy if you mess with her. I wouldn't mess with her, she is small but fierce!

Girl: Can i bring a friend to the fair
Mom: Yes. Who?
Im going to bring cassidy she loves the fair and she will go on all of the rides!

by KT IS THE COOLEST March 24, 2015

27๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who is passionate about music. She loves singing and dancing. She isnt popular and she is okay witht that. She is self conscious. She dosnt believe people when they say she is pretty. She likes coloring her hair and doing fun things with it. She loves bands also. She seems mean sometimes but she has been through a lot and she dosnt know who to trust. You may not realize it but she cares about everyone. She isnt emo or goth but that's what people call her. She may seem like she is strong akd nothing effects her but pn the inside it does.

Person one: Hey! Have you seen Cassidy?
Person two: Yea. I talked to her today.
Person one: What did you say?

Person two: I was with my friends and she walked by and I told her she is creppy and stuff.

Person one: Dumass! That probly really hurt her!

by Blackwolfandsoul February 23, 2016

23๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž